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How to Activate a Debit Card for online Transaction?



Getting a new Debit Card can be very exciting and once it lands in your hands, the temptation to use it immediately is very high. But, a new Debit Card does not work without getting activated.

It is important to know how to activate a Debit Card so that you are not put in an awkward position when you use your new Debit Card for the first time.

It is possible to activate a Debit Card online and also offline via an ATM. These two are distinct procedures that are time bound. The Debit Card must be activated within a time period, or else the PIN number given by the bank becomes invalid. Once the PIN number becomes invalid, the Debit Card can only be activated by Phone Banking or by visiting the branch personally.

To avoid all these hassles, know the procedure of activating a Debit Card, and follow it immediately after you get your card.

How to activate a Debit Card?

The procedure is simple:

  • Once you get your welcome kit from the bank, along with the Debit Card, there is an ATM pin given in a sealed envelope.
  • When you go to the ATM, enter your Debit Card and enter the ATM pin provided in the welcome kit. On entering this PIN, you will be prompted to change your ATM PIN.
  • Change your ATM PIN and use the card henceforth for regular transactions.

There is a way to activate a Debit Card online via NetBanking. For that,

  • You need to login to the respective bank’s internet banking portal. Once you log in, go to the section marked as ‘Debit Card’.
  • There will be instructions on how to generate an ATM PIN for your Debit Card.
  • Generate an ATM PIN by following those instructions and your Debit Card will be activated online.

Some banks even have a procedure to activate the Debit Card via Phone Banking.

  • There is usually a phone banking PIN or some identifier in the bank’s welcome kit. This can be used to identify yourself in phone banking conversations.
  • Dial the bank’s phone banking number and use the PIN number or security questions to verify yourself.
  • Once verified, follow the instructions to activate your Debit Card.

Some banks have an additional layer of security, where an OTP is sent to the registered mobile number while setting the ATM PIN in an ATM or via Phone Banking. This helps to ensure the verification and activation is authorised.

HDFC Bank has a seamless procedure to activate a Debit Card. By using NetBanking or Phone Banking, your new Debit Card can be activated in a matter of a few hours.

Here’s how to check your Debit Card balance online now.

Looking to apply for a Debit Card? New customers can get a new Debit Card through opening a new Savings Account while experiencing hassle-free banking with HDFC Bank.  Existing HDFC Bank customers can get their Debit Card reissued within minutes here.

* Terms & conditions apply. Debit Card approvals are at sole discretion of HDFC Bank Ltd