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Useful Links

Useful Links

Citizen's Charter

Citizen's Charter

Know about your rights and banking products.

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Read the Terms and Conditions applicable to all existing and future accounts

Website Usage Terms

Website Usage Terms

Read the website usage terms you are agreeing to by using this website



What is privacy and what you should know about our privacy policy.



Learn what security is and how to stay safe when banking online or in person.

US Patriot Act Certificate

US Patriot Act Certificate

Read the US Patriot Act that requires certain foreign banks to complete a certification



Find the information you want on the website.

Important Messages

Important Messages

Read the latest Important messages for HDFC Bank Customers

PAN Aadhar Linking

PAN Aadhar Linking

As per Section 139AA of the Income Tax Act 1961, it is mandatory to link your PAN - Aadhaar before 31st March'23.

Re-KYC for HDFC Bank Credit Card

Re-KYC for HDFC Bank Credit Card

We want to bring to your attention that as per RBI, it's compulsory for you to update your KYC (Address & ID details) with your bank periodically.