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IPO Application

IPO Application

  • The IPO Application is for Individuals, Non Resident (NR), HUF , Minor and applications cannot be made on behalf of a  Corporate, Trust etc.

  • Please note that the sequence of names of the applicants, should be as per the sequence of names held with your Depository account.

  • By default, the NetBanking user will be that of the 1st applicant.

  • A hold would be marked on the total amount, at the highest price bid by the applicant.

  • Application money will remain blocked up to the finalization on the basis of allotment.

  • Account will be debited post the allotment the shares.

  • Further, if the information furnished by the applicant is incorrect, the Bid is liable to be rejected and the Company and Bank would not be liable for losses, if any.

  • Please ensure that the name on the PAN card matches with the Demat Holder's name.