FAQ’s On Pension Account
Q1. Can any pensioner draw his/her pension from HDFC Bank?
Yes, a pensioner can draw his/her pension from any HDFC Branch if he/she is a Central/State Govt. Pensioner/Defence/Autonomous Body/EPFO pensioner, which has agreed arrangement for pension payment with our Bank.
Q2. What are basic Documents required for opening a pension Account?
For Central / State Government / Defence:
- Release Order
- Retirement Order
- PPO copy
For EPFO – Opening as well as for Conversion of Existing Saving / Salary to Garv Pension Saving Account (any one of the following)
- A letter from the company stating that the customer is / was working with them (with date of retirement)
- Copy of Form 10 D duly signed by the employer
- Copy of Letter from pension authority wherein pensioner has been directed to open a pension a/c
- Copy of the PPO (The pages mentioning the basic details of the pensioner along with the signature / stamp of the pension disbursing authority)
- Copy of the Scheme certificate (EPS 1995) issued by the EPFO
Additionally, a request letter from client is required for opening/converting to pension account.
Q.3 Can a pensioner open a Joint Account with his/her spouse?
Yes, Pensioners can open Joint Account only with their spouses. The pensioner should be the primary holder.
Q4. What will be the Operating Instructions for Joint Pension Account?
The Joint Account of the pensioner with spouse can be operated either by ‘‘Former or Survivor" or “Either or Survivor".
Q5. Can I convert my existing savings account to pension account?
Existing savings account may be used for receiving pension credits; however, any specific benefits/features of separate Garv Pension Saving Account will not apply.
Q6. Where can a customer update their life certificate?
Pensioners can update their life certificates either using Jeevan Praman app from their residence (available as Android mobile app), Jeevan Praman Patra at Bank branch, or physically filling life certificate form and submitting the same at bank branches. If the pensioner is sick/Incapacitated/old and cannot visit the branch, the customer can request branch staff to visit for Life certificate updation.
Q.7 What will happen if life certificate is not submitted in the month of November?
If life certificate is not submitted in the month of November of a year, payment of pension for December and onwards is not be paid to the pensioner, in accordance with the guidelines from the Pension Sanctioning authority.
Q.8 Who is the pension sanctioning authority?
The Ministry/ Department /Office where the Government servant last served is the pension sanctioning authority. The pension fixation is made by such authority for the first time and thereafter the re-fixation of pay, if any, is done by the pension paying bank based on the instructions from the Central/State Government authorities.
Q.9 Is it compulsory for a pensioner to furnish a Life Certificate / Non-Employment Certificate or Employment Certificate to the bank in the month of November? If so, how can this requirement be complied with?
Yes, the pensioner is required to furnish a Life Certificate / Non - Employment Certificate or Employment Certificate to the bank in the prescribed format in the month of November every year to ensure continued receipt of pension without interruption.
The pensioner can also present himself / herself at any branch of the pension paying bank for being identified for issue of life certificate. In case a pensioner is unable to obtain a Life Certificate on account of serious illness / incapacitation, bank official will visit his / her residence / hospital for the purpose of obtaining the life certificate.
A pensioner having Aadhar number can alternatively submit Jeevan Pramaan, a digital life certificate introduced by the Government of India. For obtaining this, he / she will have to enrol and biometrically authenticate himself / herself by downloading the Jeevan Pramaan application & Adhaar Face Read application from the Google play store.
Once digital life certificate in the form of Jeevan Pramaan is updated, pension paying branches will be able to obtain information about the digital life certificate of their pensioner customers by logging on to the website of Jeevan Pramaan and searching for the certificate using the Pramaan ID.
Q.10 How Can an EPFO pensioner know their PPO number?
A: A Pensioner can visit the Official website of EPFO and then click on “Know your PPO no” then search the PPO using bank account number.
Link - PP Enquiry (epfindia.gov.in)
Q.11 How can an EPFO pensioner know their “Pension Status”?
A: A Pensioner can visit the Official website of EPFO and then click on “Know your Pension Status” then search by using the PPO no.
Link - Know your Pension Status (epfindia.gov.in)
Q.12 How can an EPFO pensioner enquire about their “PPO status”?
A: A Pensioner can visit the Official website of EPFO and then click on “PPO Enquiry/ Payment Enquiry” then search by using the PPO no.
Link - PP Enquiry (epfindia.gov.in)
Q.13 How can an EPFO pensioner enquire about their Life certificate status?
A: A Pensioner can visit the Official website of EPFO and then click on “Jeevan Pramaan Enquiry” then search by using the Jeevan Pramaan ID generated during the life certificate Updation.
Link - https://jeevanpramaan.gov.in/ppouser/login
Q14. How can a Central Civil Pensioner access their PPO details?
A: Pensioners can access vital pension details such as Basic Pension, Number of Revisions, Recent Payment Amount, and Last Updated Life Certificate Date through the Dirghayu Mobile App
Q15. How can a defence pensioner locate nearest HDFC Bank SPARSH enabled branch?
A: One can visit the “Service Centre Locator” section location on the SPARSH website
Link - https://www.sparsh.defencepension.gov.in/?page=serviceCentreLocator
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