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Recommended Portfolio - Equity & Debt Mutual Funds as on March 2025

Recommended Portfolio - Equity & Debt Mutual Funds as on March 2025

Sr. No.

Sr. No.Scheme Name

% Exposure% Exposure% ExposureInvesment Horizon

Equity FundsSEBI CategorisationRiskometer**Potential Risk Class#75%55%25%
ADiversified Equity Large cap / Large & Mid Cap / Multi Cap / Flexicap / Focused / Thematic Funds

75%55%25%2-3 Years
1Baroda BNP Paribas Large Cap FundLarge Cap FundVery High--5%5%5%
2Nippon India Large Cap FundLarge Cap FundVery High--5%5%5%
3Bandhan Core Equity FundLarge & Mid Cap FundVery High--5%5%5%
4Kotak Multicap FundMulti Cap FundVery High--10%10%5%
5Nippon India Multi Cap FundMulti Cap FundVery High--10%5%5%
6HDFC Multi Cap FundMulti Cap FundVery High--10%5%0%
7HDFC Flexi Cap FundFlexi Cap FundVery High--10%10%0%
8ICICI Prudential Focused Equity FundFocused FundVery High--10%10%0%
9ICICI Prudential Business Cycle FundThematic FundVery High--10%0%0%

Debt Funds

ACorporate Bond / Dynamic Bond Funds

1Aditya Birla Sun Life Corporate Bond FundCorporate Bond FundModerateB-III (Relatively High Interest Rate Risk and Moderate Credit Risk)5%10%10%15 months and above
2HDFC Corporate Bond FundCorporate Bond FundModerateB-III (Relatively High Interest Rate Risk and Moderate Credit Risk)5%10%10%15 months and above
3Kotak Dynamic Bond FundDynamic Bond FundModerately HighB-III (Relatively High Interest Rate Risk and Moderate Credit Risk)0%5%15%24 months and above
4DSP Strategic Bond FundDynamic Bond FundModerateB-III (Relatively High Interest Rate Risk and Moderate Credit Risk)0%5%15%24 months and above

BLow Duration Funds

5%5%15%Below 12 months
1UTI Low Duration FundLow Duration FundModerateB-II (Moderate Interest Rate Risk and Moderate Credit Risk)5%5%15%Below 12 months

CLiquid Funds

5%5%5%1 Week to 3 Months
1Bank FD*** / DSP Liquidity FundLiquid FundLow to ModerateB-I (Relatively Low Interest Rate Risk and Moderate Credit Risk)5%5%5%1 Week to 3 Months


5%5%5%2-3 Years
1Kotak Gold FundFoF - DomesticHigh--5%5%5%2-3 Years



* For allocation in Gold, investors can also look at Sovering Gold Bonds issued by the Government of India.                
** As disclosed by the respective Asset Management Companies. Refere to the Riskometer Index            *** As decided by the investor    
Source for entire data stated above is ACEMF & ICRA Analytics Ltd. (For Disclaimer of ICRA Analytics Ltd, refer                
# As disclosed by the respective Asset Management Companies. Refer to the Potential Risk Class Matrix Table                

Riskometer Index





Disclaimer: This document has been prepared on the basis of publicly available information, internally developed data and other sources believed to be reliable. HDFC Bank Limited ("HDFC Bank") does not warrant its completeness and accuracy. This information is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument / units of Mutual Fund. Recipients of this information should rely on their own investigations and take their own professional advice. Neither HDFC Bank nor any of its employees shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages, including lost profits arising in any way from the information contained in this material. HDFC Bank and its affiliates, officers, directors, key managerial persons and employees, including persons involved in the preparation or issuance of this material may, from time to time, have investments / positions in Mutual Funds / schemes referred in the document. HDFC Bank may at any time solicit or provide commercial banking, credit or other services to the Mutual Funds / AMCs referred to herein.

Accordingly, information may be available to HDFC Bank, which is not reflected in this material, and HDFC Bank may have acted upon or used the information prior to, or immediately following its publication. HDFC Bank neither guarantees nor makes any representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the fairness, correctness, accuracy, adequacy, reasonableness, viability for any particular purpose or completeness of the information and views. Further, HDFC Bank disclaims all liability in relation to use of data or information used in this report which is sourced from third parties.

HDFC Bank House, 1 st Floor, C.S. No. 6 \ 242, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013. Phone: (91)-22-66527100, ext 7111, Fax: (91)-22-24900983 \ 24900858

HDFC Bank is a AMFI-registered Mutual Fund Distributor & a Corporate Agent for Insurance products.HDFC Bank is Sponsor of HDFC Mutual Fund.

Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.


As On 28 February, 2025
Name of SchemeInception NAVReturns for
DateRs3 m6 m1 yr3 Yrs5 YrsIncep




BSE 200

BSE 200 - TRI



BSE 100

BSE 100 - TRI

Nifty Midcap 150

Nifty Midcap 150 - TRI

NIFTY LargeMidcap 250

NIFTY LargeMidcap 250 - TRI

Nifty Smallcap 250

Nifty Smallcap 250 - TRI

Nifty Infrastructure

Nifty Infrastructure - TRI


Diversified Equity Large cap / Large & Mid Cap / Multi Cap / Flexicap / Focused / Thematic Funds

Baroda BNP Paribas Large Cap Fund23-Sep-04193.67-11.83%-16.12%0.94%12.95%15.54%15.60%
Nippon India Large Cap Fund8-Aug-0778.18-10.33%-12.94%3.02%17.55%18.94%12.41%
Bandhan Core Equity Fund9-Aug-05114.14-12.25%-16.51%6.15%20.13%20.72%13.25%
Kotak Multicap Fund29-Sep-2115.90-16.39%-18.98%-0.83%20.15%--14.53%
Nippon India Multi Cap Fund28-Mar-05250.78-13.98%-16.14%4.88%21.26%22.01%17.54%
HDFC Multi Cap Fund10-Dec-2116.01-14.29%-18.64%-0.66%18.75%--15.65%
HDFC Flexi Cap Fund1-Jan-951734.60-7.91%-8.46%9.25%21.38%23.33%18.63%
ICICI Prudential Focused Equity Fund28-May-0977.02-10.19%-13.96%7.55%17.96%23.18%13.82%
ICICI Prudential Business Cycle Fund18-Jan-2120.76-8.99%-11.36%3.27%18.09%--19.42%

ICRA Composite Bond Fund Index

NIFTY Short Duration Debt Index

NIFTY Corporate Bond Index


Corporate Bond / Dynamic Bond

Aditya Birla Sun Life Corporate Bond Fund3-Mar-97109.201.61%3.70%8.10%6.78%6.97%8.91%
HDFC Corporate Bond Fund29-Jun-1031.441.48%3.55%8.01%6.51%6.65%8.12%
Kotak Dynamic Bond Fund28-May-0836.140.79%2.45%7.20%6.09%6.13%7.96%
DSP Strategic Bond Fund9-May-073244.720.23%1.99%6.62%6.33%6.03%6.83%

Low Duration Funds

UTI Low Duration Fund23-Apr-073445.441.70%3.68%7.55%6.60%7.07%7.17%

ICRA Liquid Index


Liquid Fund

DSP Liquidity Fund22-Nov-053642.931.73%3.52%7.31%6.58%5.37%6.93%


Physical Gold


Kotak Gold Fund25-Mar-1132.9610.36%16.60%34.29%17.39%13.16%8.93%


Note: Returns for all the schemes are absolute 1 year and less but are compunded annualised for more than 1 yer period.     

Source for entire data stated above is ACEMF & ICRA Analytics Ltd. (For Disclaimer of ICRA Analytics Ltd, refer    

'Source for Physical Gold returns is Kotak Asset Management Company Limited.    

Moreover, past returns cannot be taken as an indicator of future performance.  
Equity Oriented Scheme recommendations have been made based on the methodology, which assigns weightages to parameters like FAMA, Sharpe ratio, Sortino Ratio, Corpus, Past Performance, Beta and Volatility.    
Debt Oriented Scheme recommendations have been made based on the methodology, which assigns weightages to parameters like Sharpe ratio, Performance Consistency,Corpus, Past Performance, Expenses, Credit Risk and Volatility.      
All the NAVs and return calculations are for the Growth Oriented Plans.    

Disclaimer:  This document has been prepared on the basis of publicly available information, internally developed data and other sources believed to be reliable. HDFC Bank Limited ("HDFC Bank") does not warrant its completeness and accuracy. This information is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument / units of Mutual Fund. Recipients of this information should rely on their own investigations and take their own professional advice. Neither HDFC Bank nor any of its employees shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages, including lost profits arising in any way from the information contained in this material. HDFC Bank and its affiliates, officers, directors, key managerial persons and employees, including persons involved in the preparation or issuance of this material may, from time to time, have investments / positions in Mutual Funds / schemes referred in the document. HDFC Bank may at any time solicit or provide commercial banking, credit or other services to the Mutual Funds / AMCs referred to herein.

Accordingly, information may be available to HDFC Bank, which is not reflected in this material, and HDFC Bank may have acted upon or used the information prior to, or immediately following its publication. HDFC Bank neither guarantees nor makes any representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the fairness, correctness, accuracy, adequacy, reasonableness, viability for any particular purpose or completeness of the information and views. Further, HDFC Bank disclaims all liability in relation to use of data or information used in this report which is sourced from third parties. 

HDFC Bank House, 1 st Floor, C.S. No. 6 \ 242, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013. Phone: (91)-22-66527100, ext 7111, Fax: (91)-22-24900983 \ 24900858

HDFC Bank is a AMFI-registered Mutual Fund Distributor & a Corporate Agent for Insurance products.HDFC Bank is Sponsor of HDFC Mutual Fund.

Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.