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FD Interest Rates (March 2025) - Check Fixed Deposit Rates Online

Fixed Deposit has been a popular investment option across generations, and for a good reason. If you are looking for a safe investment, a Fixed Deposit is an excellent option. At HDFC Bank, you can open a Fixed Deposit with amounts as low as ₹5,000. Invest a sum of your choice and pick from a range of tenures suitable to you.

Fixed Deposit is widely preferred by many as it provides guaranteed returns. When you deposit funds in a Fixed Deposit, you can grow your savings for a financially secure future. At HDFC Bank, you can enjoy attractive FD interest rates that will fetch you guaranteed returns regardless of market conditions. Plus, with added features such as sweep-in facilities and overdraft facilities, an HDFC Bank FD can be a real asset to your portfolio.

Open a Fixed Deposit at HDFC Bank today and make the most of the FD interest rates offered!

Fixed Deposit Interest Rate Less Than 3 Cr

Achieve your goals easily as we guarantee you Higher Returns

Presenting HDFC Bank Special Edition Fixed Deposits. 

Earn higher interest on your FD for tenures of 2 years and 11 months (i.e., 35 months) and 4 years and 7 months (i.e., 55 months). Limited time only!

​​​​​​​What's more? Senior Citizen benefits 0.50% EXTRA!...So Hurry! Valid for Limited Period only!

Please clear browser history/cookies before accessing the interest rate chart in order to view the latest effective interest rates.


Applicable from 24th July, 2024

(Senior Citizen Rates do not apply to NRIs | Minimum tenor for NRE Deposit is 1 Year.)

    Tenor Bucket< 3 Crore
    Interest Rate (per annum)**Senior Citizen Rates (per annum)
    7 - 14 days3.00%3.50%
    15 - 29 days3.00%3.50%
    30 - 45 days3.50%4.00%
    46 - 60 days4.50%5.00%
    61 - 89 days4.50%5.00%
    90 days < = 6 months4.50%5.00%
    6 months 1 days < = 9 months5.75%6.25%
    9 months 1 day to < 1 year6.00%6.50%
    1 year to < 15 months6.60%7.10%
    15 months to < 18 months7.10%7.60%
    18 months to < 21 months7.25%7.75%
    21 months - 2 years7.00%7.50%
    2 Years 1 day to < 2 Year 11 Months7.00%7.50%
    2 Years 11 Months - 35 Months7.35%7.85%
    2 Years 11 Months 1 day < = 3 Year7.00%7.50%
    3 Years 1 day to < 4 Years 7 Months7.00%7.50%
    4 Year 7 Months - 55 months7.40%7.90%
    4 Year 7 Months 1 day < = 5 Years7.00%7.50%
    5 Years 1 day - 10 Years7.00%7.50%


    Click here to book a deposit new way, using your mobile no. 
    Click here to book a deposit via NetBanking > Accounts > Transact


    NEW Customers: Click here to talk to our Executive!! 

    EXISTING Customers: Click here to book a deposit online through NetBanking!!

    Fixed Deposit Interest Rate Greater Than Or Equal to 3 Cr to less than 5 Cr

    Please clear browser history/cookies before accessing the interest rate chart in order to view the latest effective interest rates.


    Applicable from 5th December, 2024

    (Senior Citizen Rates do not apply to NRIs | Minimum tenor for NRE Deposit is 1 Year.)

      Tenor Bucket>=3 Crore to < 5 Crores
      Interest Rate (per annum)**Senior Citizen Rates (per annum)
      7 - 14 days4.75%5.25%
      15 - 29 days4.75%5.25%
      30 - 45 days5.50%6.00%
      46 - 60 days5.75%6.25%
      61 - 89 days6.00%6.50%
      90 days <= 6 months6.50%7.00%
      6 mnths 1 day <=9mnths6.85%7.35%
      9 mnths 1 day to < 1 Year6.75%7.25%
      1 Year to < 15 months7.40%7.90%
      15 months to < 18 months7.05%7.55%
      18 months to < 21 months7.25%7.75%
      21 months to 2 years7.05%7.55%
      2 year 1 day to 3 years7.00%7.50%
      3 year 1 day to 5 years7.00%7.50%
      5 year 1 day to 10 years7.00%7.50%


      Click here to book a deposit new way, using your mobile no. 

      Click here to book a deposit via NetBanking > Accounts > Transact

      As interest rates are subject to change without prior notice, depositor shall ascertain the rates on the value date of FD

      The base rate applicable is the interest rate of the date of deposit acceptance under tenor for which the deposit has been in force with the bank.


      NEW Customers: Click here to talk to our Executive!! 

      EXISTING Customers: Click here to book a deposit online through NetBanking!!

      Fixed Deposit Interest Rate Greater Than Or Equal To 5 Cr

      Domestic Deposit Rates Greater Than Or Equal To 5 Cr

      ​​​​​​​Please clear browser history/cookies before accessing the interest rate chart in order to view the latest effective interest rates.

      For rates greater than equal to Rs. 5 Cr please click here

      Non- Withdrawal Fixed Deposit Rates Greater Than Or Equal To 2 Cr

      Domestic Non-withdrawable Fixed Deposit rates greater than or equal to 2 Cr

      Please clear browser history/cookies before accessing the interest rate chart in order to view the latest effective interest rates.

      For Non-withdrawable Domestic term  Deposit rates greater than or equal to Rs. 2 Cr please click here

      Important Notes: Resident Customers

      Interest Rates

      • Interest rates are subject to change from time to time. Applicable interest rates will be given as on the date / time of receipt of the funds by the bank. When booking FD through NetBanking please note the actual interest rate being applied on the "Confirm" screen. This screen appears before you confirm your request for opening a new FD. In order to see the latest information, we request you to clear your browsers cache to see the updated interest rates. 

      • For Fixed Deposit Interest Rate Less Than 3 Cr- It is reiterated that the interest rate applicable on multiple deposits, across all channels, made by the same customer in a single day in one particular tenor bucket would be the rate which is applicable for the aggregate value or the individual value whichever is lower.  

      • Whereas, for Fixed Deposit Interest Rate Greater Than Or Equal To 3 Cr but Less Than 5 Cr, the interest rate applicable on multiple deposits, across all channels, made by the same customer in a single day in one particular tenor bucket would be the rate which is applicable for the aggregate value.   

      • As interest rates are subject to change without prior notice, depositor shall ascertain the rates on the value date of FD 

      Tenor Bucket 

      • Tenor Bucket "means the various tenure slabs as updated in the interest rate sheet on the website. For ex: e.g., ”1 Y 1d to 2 Y’ is one particular tenor bucket, similarly “5 Y 1 d to 10 Y“ is also one particular tenor bucket. 

      • The Minimum tenure for earning FD interest is 7 days. 

      Senior Citizens 

      Only Senior Citizens / Retired Personnel (60 years and above) who are Resident Individuals are eligible. The special rates are applicable only for Resident deposits. 


      Tax at Source is deducted as per the Income Tax regulations prevalent from time to time 

      Premature Withdrawal 

      • With effect from July 22nd, 2023, the interest rate applicable for premature withdrawal including Sweep-in/Partial Withdrawal will be 1% less (penalty as applicable) of the rate on the date of deposit booked, to the period for which deposit remained with the bank and not at the contracted rate.  

      • Prior to July 22nd, 2023, For Premature Closure (for all amounts, and for including Sweep In / Partial Withdrawal), the final rate applicable will be 1% below that of the lower of either:  

      a) the rate for the original /contracted tenor for which deposit has been booked  


      b) the base rate applicable for the tenor for which the deposit has been in force with the bank except for the deposits booked with tenor 7-14 days. 

      • For deposits booked on or after 7 March 2019 the base rate applicable to deposits in point b above is the Rate Applicable to Deposits of Less than 2 Crores, as on the date of the deposit.   

      • Prior to FD's booked on 7 March 2019, the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of Less than 1 crore as on the date of deposit 

      Exemption from penalty on premature withdrawal 

      • Central or State Government establishments such as Apex Bodies, Union Government, State Government, Union Territories Government, Legislature, Judiciary, Embassies, Missions, Panchayat, District, Local Body and certain other entities which are 100% owned by Government shall be eligible for exemption from penalty applicable on premature withdrawal of Fixed deposits for Deposits booked/renewed on or after 1st July’23. 

      • Customers who wish to avail this facility on new booking or renewal, are requested to visit nearest Branch prior to new booking or date of renewal of deposit with request letter and requisite documents (if required). For more details, Please contact your Branch/Relationship Manager. Please note this facility will not be available for online booking of FD. 

      When you open a Fixed deposit with HDFC Bank Interest on Term Deposits is calculated as below:

      Fixed Deposits for the tenor <= 6 months 

      Simple Interest is paid 

      Fixed Deposits for the tenor > 6 months with Quarterly Interest Payout option  

      On a Quarterly basis 

      Fixed Deposits for the tenor > 6 months with Monthly Interest Payout option 

      Interest is calculated for the quarter and paid monthly at a discounted rate over the standard deposit rate 

      Fixed Deposits for the tenor > 6 months with Interest Reinvestment option 

      Cumulative Interest for the Quarter is added to the Principal in subsequent quarter and interest is calculated on total amount 

      The Bank computes interest based on the actual number of days in a year. In case, the Deposit is spread over a leap and a non-leap year, the interest is calculated based on the number of days i.e., 366 days in a leap year & 365 days in a non-leap year. The period of Fixed Deposit is calculated in number of days. 

      Important Notes: Senior Citizens

      *Senior Citizen Care FD  (w.e.f 18th May’20) : 

      Premature Closure 

      • In case of premature closure of Fixed Deposit booked in the above offer (including sweep in / partial closure) on or before 5 years, the interest rate will be 1.00% less (penalty as applicable) of the rate on the date of deposit booked, to the period for which deposit remained with the bank and not at the contracted rate.  

      •  In case of premature closure of Fixed Deposit booked in the above offer (including sweep in / partial closure) post 5 years, the interest rate will be 1.25% less (penalty as applicable) of the rate on the date of deposit booked, to the period for which deposit remained with the bank and not at the contracted rate. 

      Important Notes: NRI Customers

      Interest Rates 

      • Interest rates are subject to change from time to time. Applicable interest rates will be given as on the date / time of receipt of the funds by the bank. When booking FD through NetBanking please note the actual interest rate being applied on the "Confirm" screen. This screen appears before you confirm your request for opening a new FD. In order to see the latest information, we request you to clear your browsers cache to see the updated interest rates. 

      • It is reiterated that the interest rate applicable on multiple deposits, across all channels, made by the same customer in a single day in one particular tenor bucket would be the rate which is applicable for the aggregate value or the individual value whichever is lower. 
      • As interest rates are subject to change without prior notice, depositor shall ascertain the rates on the value date of FD 

      Tenor Bucket 

      • Tenor Bucket "means the various tenure slabs as updated in the interest rate sheet on the website . For ex: e.g.” 1 Y 1d to 2 Y “ is one particular tenor bucket, similarly “ 5 Y 1 d to 10 Y “ is also one particular tenor bucket. 

      • The Minimum tenor for earning the interest on NRO Fixed Deposit is 7 days.  

      • The Minimum tenor for earning the interest on NRE Fixed Deposit is 1 year. 

      Senior Citizens 

      The Senior Citizen Rates are only for Resident Indians and do not apply to NRIs. 


      Tax at Source is deducted as per the Income Tax regulations prevalent from time to time (applicable on NRO Fixed Deposits) 

      Premature Withdrawal 

      • No Interest will be paid if the NRE Deposit is prematurely withdrawn before 1 year. No Penalty will be levied on premature closure of NRE Fixed Deposit. Partial premature withdrawal and sweep-in facility is not allowed for NRE/NRO fixed deposits booked between 5 Crore to less than 25 Crore. 

      • With effect from July 22nd, 2023, the interest rate applicable for premature withdrawal including Sweep-in/Partial Withdrawal on NRO Deposits will be 1% less of the rate on the date of deposit booked for the period for which deposit remained with the bank and not at the contracted rate.  

      • With effect from July 22nd, 2023, the interest rate applicable for premature withdrawal including Sweep-in/Partial Withdrawal on NRE Deposits will be the rate on the date of deposit booked for the period for which deposit remained with the bank and not at the contracted rate. 

      • Prior to July 22nd, 2023, For Premature Closure (for all amounts, and for including Sweep In / Partial Withdrawal), the final rate applicable on NRO Deposits will be 1% Below  that of  the lower of either: a) the rate for the original /contracted tenor for which deposit has been booked or b) the base rate applicable for the tenor for which the deposit has been in force with the bank except for the deposits booked with tenor 7-14 days.  

      • Prior to July 22nd, 2023, For Premature Closure (for all amounts, and for including Sweep In / Partial Withdrawal), the final rate applicable on NRE Deposits will be lower of either: a) the rate for the original /contracted tenor for which deposit has been booked  or b) the base rate applicable for the tenor for which the deposit has been in force with the bank. 

      • For deposits booked on or after 7th march'19, the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of less than Rs.2 Cr as on the date of booking the deposit. Prior to this the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of less than Rs.1 Cr as on the date of booking the deposit. 

      The Interest on Term Deposits for the deposits booked by us, is calculated as below:

      Fixed Deposits for the tenor <= 6 months 

      Simple Interest is paid 

      Fixed Deposits for the tenor > 6 months with Quarterly Interest Payout option  

      On a Quarterly basis 

      Fixed Deposits for the tenor > 6 months with Monthly Interest Payout option 

      Interest is calculated for the quarter and paid monthly at a discounted rate over the standard deposit rate 

      Fixed Deposits for the tenor > 6 months with Interest Reinvestment option 

      Cumulative Interest for the Quarter is added to the Principal in subsequent quarter and interest is calculated on total amount 

      • The Bank computes interest based on the actual number of days in a year. In case, the Deposit is spread over a leap and a non-leap year, the interest is calculated based on the number of days i.e.,366 days in a leap year & 365 days in a non-leap year. The period of Fixed Deposit is calculated in number of days. 

      What are Fixed Deposit Interest Rates?

      Fixed Deposits, also known as FDs, are a popular investment option in India, known for their stability. With FDs, you can deposit a certain specific amount for a predetermined period at an agreed-upon interest rate.

      The FD interest rate signifies the percentage of interest you will earn on the principal amount over your FD tenure. You will earn different rates for different tenures. The FD interest rates are influenced by factors like the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) monetary policy, inflation rates, and the overall economic scenario.

      Why Invest in FD?

      When it comes to growing your savings, Fixed Deposits (FDs) are a reliable and secure investment option that offers numerous advantages. As an investor, it is essential to explore options that provide stable returns, and bank FDs stand out for their competitive interest rates.

      One of the primary reasons to invest in FDs is the predictability of returns. Unlike market-linked investments, Fixed Deposit rates remain unaffected by market fluctuations. This stability is especially beneficial for you if you are looking for a risk-free steady growth.

      Furthermore, FDs offer flexibility in terms of tenure, with options ranging from a few months to several years. This makes it adaptable to your financial plans, whether you are saving for a short-term goal or planning for the long term.

      Special Features Of Fixed Deposit Interest Rates

      Fixed Deposit interest rates come with the following features:

      • Lucrative Interest Rates: FDs tend to offer higher interest rates than Savings Account. There is a potential to earn greater returns with FDs.

      • Senior Citizen Perks: At HDFC Bank, individuals above 60 years of age can enjoy higher FD interest rates and special taxation benefits.

      • Interest Payout Frequency: You can opt for monthly, quarterly, annual, or even cumulative interest payouts, aligning with your income needs or reinvestment strategies.

      • Flexible Tenure Options: FD rates differ across tenures. You can opt for a tenure of your choice, depending on your goals.

      Additional features associated with FDs:

      • Instant FD Booking: As an existing customer of the bank, you can instantly open an FD via online banking channels like NetBanking or Mobile Banking.

      • Premature Withdrawal Available: You can close your FD before its maturity date. Note that doing so will attract premature withdrawal penalties.

      • Autorenewal Facility: The bank will automatically renew your FD per the previous arrangement, at prevailing interest rates. You may provide renewal instructions of your choice.

      • Nomination Facility: You can appoint a nominee for your FD at any time during the tenure. You also have the option to modify nominee details.

      • Loan Against FD: You can pledge your FD to secure a quick loan to meet financial emergencies. This way you need to break your FD.

      Taxation on Fixed Deposit Interest Rates

      The interest you earn with your Fixed Deposits is considered as ‘income from other sources’ while computing your Income Tax Returns. Per section 194A of the Income Tax Act, 1961, tax is deducted at the income’s point of origin. In case of FDs, since the point of origin is the bank, the bank will deduct TDS (tax deducted source) when your interest exceeds a certain specific threshold.

      If your interest income on FDs exceeds ₹40,000 per financial year, TDS will be applicable. For senior citizens, the threshold for TDS deduction is ₹50,000. If you are exempted from tax payments, you can submit Form 15G to prevent the bank from deducting TDS. Senior citizen FD holders must submit form 15H.

      Fixed Deposit Investment Tips

      To make the most of your fixed deposit investments, consider these tips.

      1. Assess your financial goals and choose an FD tenure that aligns with them. Short-term FDs might suit immediate requirements, while long-term FDs can provide higher interest rates and tax benefits.

      2. Diversify your investments by staggering FDs with different maturity dates. This strategy ensures regular liquidity while benefiting from higher FD rates on long-term deposits.

      3. Keep an eye on interest rate trends, as they can impact your earnings. Opting for a cumulative FD could help compound your interest and provide greater returns upon maturity.

      4. Consider splitting your investments between FDs and other investment instruments to balance risk and returns.

      5. Be mindful of premature withdrawals, as they can attract penalties.

      Fixed Deposit Interest Rate FAQs

      Can I get monthly interest on FD?

      You can opt for a monthly interest payout option with your FD. This option provides a regular income stream by disbursing a portion of the interest earned each month.

      Is FD tax free? 

      Fixed Deposit interest is taxable. The interest earned on FDs is added to your total income and taxed based on your applicable income tax slab.

      When can I receive my FD interest payouts at HDFC Bank?

      When you open a Fixed Deposit account at HDFC Bank, you can choose the intervals at which you would like to receive interest payouts. With the HDFC Bank Fixed Deposit, you can choose to receive your interest payouts on a monthly, quarterly or on maturity.

      Does HDFC Bank offer Re-investment Fixed Deposit?

      Yes, at HDFC Bank, you can opt for a Re-Investment FD wherein you can earn compound interest. The cumulative interest earned for the quarter is then added to the principal amount in the subsequent quarter and the interest is calculated on the total amount.

      Does TDS apply to interest earned via an FD?

      Yes, at HDFC Bank, TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) is deducted from your FD earnings. However, as per the Income Tax Act, 1961, TDS is only deducted from your FD earnings when the interest from all your FDs cross a threshold of ₹ 40, 000 in a financial year.

      If the interest earned is not sufficient to recover TDS, then the same is collected from the principal amount of the FD. If you have chosen to receive payouts every month or quarter then TDS will be recovered from the linked Current/Savings Account.

      Does HDFC Bank offer a tax-saving FD option?

      Yes, at HDFC Bank, you can also choose to invest in a Five Year Tax-Saving Fixed Deposit. You can invest your savings and get guaranteed returns. Additionally, you can also save tax under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

      Can you prematurely withdraw from an FD?

      Yes, you can prematurely withdraw from an FD at HDFC Bank. However, whether you opt to prematurely close the FD or go with the sweep-in facility, premature liquidation charges will be applicable as per standard policy.

      Can I book an FD at HDFC Bank via NetBanking?

      Yes, you can book an FD at HDFC Bank via NetBanking facilities. However, to do so, you must have the financial transactional rights to use the facility in the first place. You will also have to ensure that the information required to access your NetBanking services is up to date.

      What is the maximum FD limit?

      The maximum FD limit varies from bank to bank and depends on factors like account type, tenure, and depositor’s status. It can range from a few lakhs to several crores.

      Limited Period Offer!​​​​​​


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