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We Care For You

Your well-being means everything to us


We’ve done our very best to make these tough times a little easier for you

Hum Haar Nahi Maanenge

We partnered with A.R. Rahman, Prasoon Joshi and other eminent artists to bring you a tribute to the spirit of India and the millions of Indians fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

Presenting ‘Hum Haar Nahi Maanenge’, a song that served as a clarion call to spread hope, positivity & motivation and also served as a reminder that we are in this together and will get through this together.

We also used the song to encourage people to contribute to the PM-CARES Fund and support the nation in these trying times. In addition to the ₹150 Crores we donated to the PM-CARES Fund, we donated ₹500 more, every time the video got shared from our social media pages.

Click here to watch the video.

Mobile ATM Vans

In the current scenario, you risk infection every time you step outside. Even with a lockdown in place, people still need money and often leave home to get it. In order to maximise your convenience and minimise your chances of infection, we deployed Mobile Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) to help people get access to easy cash withdrawals.

This facility operated between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. using sanitized ATM Vans. We adhered to social distancing norms and also provided people with sanitizers before and after operating the ATM machine. 

Safety Grid

In the face of this global health crisis, people could only step outside for essentials, resulting in crowds forming outside essential stores, thereby increasing the chances of infection. Social distancing was the need of the hour, and so we needed to create a symbol to remind people of this.

We used our logo, the HDFC Bank Grid, to mark six-foot intervals outside essential stores, branches and ATMs, where crowds tend to gather, to remind the masses to maintain a safe distance from each other by simply standing within the four corners of the logo.

The Art Project

With the lockdown in full effect, we were at home every day, leaving us all more stressed and bored than ever. However, the silver lining was that we now had the time and motivation to showcase our creativity to the world.

So, we brought you The Art Project, an online platform for people of all age groups to show the world how they see the world through the canvas of Arts, Crafts and Photography.

Our aim was to keep you engaged and give you a #BreakFromBoredom so that you could stay home, stay safe and be creative.

Doorstep Banking

We are doing our best so that you can stay home and stay safe, and to do so, we had to bring the things you needed to your doorstep. Our doorstep banking ensures a safe and convenient banking experience right at your doorstep. Cash pickup, cash drop and cheque pickup services can be requested from the comfort of home.

Click here

Cardless Cash Transfers/Withdrawals

To adhere to social distancing norms, we promoted cardless withdrawals and transfers that were easy, convenient, hassle-free and best of all required no contact. You could make payments using just the mobile number of a beneficiary. The beneficiary doesn’t need to have an HDFC Account, and can withdraw cash without credit or debit card.

Wellness Offers

With the current situation of a pandemic of global proportions, staying healthy is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. So, we bring you offers and discounts on medicines, e-consultations, check-ups and more from leading brands like 1MG, Apollo Pharmacy, IndusHealth Plus and Lybrate.

S&P Rating

We are pleased to let you know that on 17th April 2020, a renowned Global Rating Agency, Standard & Poors reaffirmed its international rating for HDFC Bank at BBB- / A3 with a Stable outlook.

They even appraised our Global Stand Alone Credit Profile at BBB+ which is 2 notches higher than India’s Sovereign Rating. S&P has said, and we quote, “Overall, we believe HDFC Bank’s individual creditworthiness is significantly stronger than the average of the Indian Banking Sector, reflected in its SACP of BBB+”

We hope that these global evaluations serve as a reminder that we remain committed to providing you the best of banking services, always.

Stay safe. Bank from home.