

Golf Offer on HDFC Platinum Debit Card 


  • 4 complimentary rounds of green fees per calendar year (not more than 1 round in a single calendar month)  

  • 12 complimentary golf lessons per calendar year (1 lesson per calendar month)  

  • Discounted golf services at 50% of the green fee beyond complimentary sessions 


  • To place a golf game/ lesson request, please call 1800-102-6263. 

Escalation Matrix:  

  • All resolutions will be provided to the customer within (24-48 hours). 

Terms & Conditions: 

  • This Program offering is applicable to eligible cardholders i.e. HDFC Bank Platinum MasterCard World Debit Cardholders who have done a spend of Rs. 10,000 and above using their Debit Card in the previous quarter.

  • Spend criteria for availing complimentary Golf Benefit
    - The customer is entitled for Complimentary Golf Program on quarterly spends of ₹ 10,000 and above in previous calendar quarter on Platinum Debit Card.
    - Example: If you spend a minimum of Rs 10,000 from Jan 2025 – Mar 2025, you can enjoy complimentary Golf Game / Lesson from Apr 2025 to June 2025 and so on.
    - Spend based criteria is not a pre-requisite within 90 days of card issuance
    - Example: If the Debit card is issued in Jan’25 then the customer can avail complimentary Games and Lessons in the first quarter without meeting the spends condition for the quarter Apr’25-June’25 subject to the eligibility.
  • Complimentary/Discounted Golf is subject to availability of slots with Partner Golf Course Facilities with respect to their weekday/weekend policies. 

  • Discounted Green Fees hosted for all eligible Cardholders at specified locations on Weekdays and Weekends/Holidays during the period from 1st January 2025 to 31st December 2025. 50% of the golf green fees will be hosted by Mastercard and the requesting Cardholder(s) would have to pay 50% of the applicable walk-in rate at the time of the confirmation of the golf game through their specific Mastercard WORLD Card(s). 

  • Golf booking has to be made minimum 5 days and maximum 10 days in advance from the date of play/golf lesson not including the date/day of play. 

  • All other costs and charges such as food and beverage expenses, consumables, rental of golf equipment, golf-cart (Buggy) charges, Caddy Fees etc. shall be borne by the Cardholder(s) or his/her guest(s). 

  • The number of carts and caddies provided will be as per the availability at the club on date of play and will solely be at the club’s discretion in accordance with its local club rules. 

  • Golfers must have at least a valid golf handicap or in lieu thereof, at golf clubs / golf course where permissible, a certificate of golfing proficiency in lieu of a Golf Handicap as issued by a certified and approved golf instructor may be acceptable. All golfers must produce their Golf Handicap Certificate upon request including as may be requested by the Golf Concierge prior to the requested day of the play. 

  • A Cardholder will not be allowed to carry forward his/her monthly entitlement of 1 (ONE) complimentary golf lesson / golf coaching to a subsequent month.  

  • A Cardholder may hold only one booking on a single day whether for a golf game or a golf lesson. 

  • Minimum Flight (Player) conditions: 

  • Weekdays: Unless otherwise prescribed by the local club / golf course rules / seasonal rules, the minimum flight conditions for Weekday rounds of golf is a minimum of 2 (TWO) players per flight; 

  • Weekends/Holidays: Unless otherwise prescribed by the local club / golf course rules / seasonal rules, the minimum flight conditions for Weekend/Holiday rounds of golf is a minimum of 3 (THREE) players per flight; and 

  • The maximum number of players per flight is 4 (FOUR) on any day. 

  • It will be the exclusive responsibility of the Cardholder to fulfil the minimum flight conditions in respect of each booking request and Mastercard and Contractor (Apexlynx) will not be responsible to help the Cardholder make up the minimum flight condition numbers. Golf game booking requests not meeting the minimum player conditions will not be processed. 

  • Cardholders may be allowed to play in the same flight with a Club Member or other green fee-paying guest(s) (except any players availing benefits under any other golf program) subject to fulfillment of the minimum flight conditions. In such a situation, the Cardholder must inform the exact booking time held by the Club Member and the same will be verified with the golf club prior to processing the Cardholder’s booking request. In cases where the Cardholder requests to join a Club Member and if at the time of verification of the original request, no Confirmed booking exists in the name specified Club Member(s), then the booking request made by the Cardholder will not be accepted / processed. 

  • HDFC Bank, Mastercard and/or Contractor (Apexlynx) will not be responsible or accountable to get a Handicap Certificate issued to the benefit of any Cardholder from any Golf Clubs/ Golf Learning Centre. 

  • The Golf Course partners will not entertain any correspondence/inquiries and/or attempts for bookings directly from the participating cardholders and the partner will not respond directly to any such inquiries 

  • HDFC Bank, MasterCard or the Service Provider is not responsible in any way for the quality and availability of the service provided by the partner golf courses. 

  • HDFC Bank, MasterCard or the Service Provider is not responsible for or liable for any action, claims, demands, losses, damages, cost, charges, and expenses which the client may suffer, sustain or incur including but not limited to changes or cancellations of the services provided under this program. 

  • HDFC Bank, MasterCard or the Service Provider shall not be considered liable or in default of providing the golf round or lesson services if such performance is prevented by adverse conditions, which is beyond its control. 

  • Golf Course facility rules & local rules apply and subscribers to this program should adhere to the same including but not limited to dress code, rules of the facility, producing identity proof as required. Partner faculties reserve the right to reject/restrict service in event of not fulfilling these requirements which the cardholder, his/her personal representatives, heirs, next-of-kin assigns, and insurers may have, or which may hereafter accrue, as a result of using the services provided in this program. 

  • The golf Program is completely non-transferrable hence benefit will be liable only to the cardholders. 

Cancellation Policy for Golf Game Bookings – Weekday 

  • Cancellation must be made more than 1 (ONE) day in advance prior to tee-off date, not counting the date of the confirmed booking. 

  • Penalty for breach of cancellation condition – Penalty equivalent to 100% of the amount of published walk-in green fees at that golf club. 

Cancellation Policy for Golf Game Bookings – Weekends & Holidays  

  • Cancellation must be made 2 (TWO) days in advance prior to tee-off date, not counting the date of the confirmed booking. 

  • Penalty for breach of cancellation condition – Penalty equivalent to 100% of the amount of the published walk-in green fees at that golf club.       

Cancellation Policy – Golf Lessons  

  • Cancellation must be made 2 (TWO) days in advance prior to golf lesson. 

  • Penalty for breach of cancellation condition – Penalty equivalent to 100% of the amount of published walk-in charges payable for a golf lesson at that golf club. 

Please visit Mastercard World Card India Golf Program | priceless specials for complete details and terms and conditions 



Fees & Charges