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The various disclosures we have made to the exchanges





January - December 2018

3-4 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
5 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
6 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
7 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
10 DecemberSchedule of Analyst and investor meet
11 DecemberSchedule of Analyst and investor meet
12 DecemberSchedule of Analyst and investor meet
17 DecemberBoard meeting on 19th January 2019
1 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
2 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
6 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
12 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
13 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
14 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
15-16 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
19-20 November19-20-Schedule of analyst and investor meet
26 November26-Schedule of analyst and investor meet
27 November27-Schedule of analyst and investor meet
15 OctoberEarnings Call for half year ended Sept 2018
22-23 OctoberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
24 OctoberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
25 OctoberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
30 OctoberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
31 OctoberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
1 SeptemberGrant of stock options under ESOP Scheme of the Bank
3 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
5 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
7 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
10 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
11 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
12 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
17 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
18 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
19-20 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
21 SeptemberBoard meeting on 20th October 2018
21 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
24 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
24 SeptemberAllotment of ESOPs to employees of the Bank
29 SeptemberGrant of stock options under ESOP Scheme of the Bank
29 SeptemberCessation of Director
5 OctoberIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
02 AugustAllotment pursuant to QIP and ADR
06 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
07 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
10 AugustResignation of Director
13 AugustInvestor Call
13 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
14 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
16 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
20-21-23 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
30 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
17 JulyOutcome of Special Committee Meeting- Pricing of Preferential Issue
17 JulyOutcome of Allotment Committee Meeting- Allotment of Equity Shares to HDFC Limited on Preferential Basis
03 JulyBoard meeting on 21st July, 2018
09 JulyCompany Update
24-25 JulySchedule of analyst and investor meet
26 JulyRaising of Funds
30 JulyOutcome of Committee meeting - Opening of QIP and ADR issue
31 JulyQIP and ADR Issue closing and pricing
1 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
4 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
5 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
7-8 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
12 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
20 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
22 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 JuneResults of e-voting - 24th AGM of the Bank
30 JuneProceedings of 24th AGM of the Bank
2 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
5 MaySchedule of sell-side analyst and investor meet
8 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
9 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
10 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
15 MayUpdated Investor Presentation
17 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
22 MayOutcome of Board meeting held on 22nd May 2018
23 MayReply to clarification sought
24-25 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
25 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
31 MayIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR Regulations
31 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
18 AprilEarnings call for quarter and year ended March 2018
23 AprilUpdate
26 AprilAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
28 February to 1 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
06 March6-Mar Schedule of analyst and investor meet
08 March8-Mar Schedule of analyst and investor meet
13 March13-Mar Schedule of analyst and investor meet
14 March14-Mar Schedule of analyst and investor meet
14 March14-Mar Clarification issued to Stock Exchanges
15 March15-Mar Issue of Rupee Denominated Bonds
16 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
20 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
22 MarchAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
22-23 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
31 MarchBoard meeting on 21st April, 2018
26 FebruaryIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR Regulations
22 FebruaryAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
07 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
05 FebruaryConfirmation on Listed Bonds Interest Payment
31 JanuaryResignation of Director
22 JanuaryAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
20 JanuaryProceedings of EGM
20 JanuaryResignation of Director
19 JanuaryResult of e-voting at EGM as per Reg 44


January - December 2019

20 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
19 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
18 DecemberAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
16 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
12-13 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
11 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
10 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
9 DecemberIntimation under Reg. 30 of SEBI LODR - Board meeting
9 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
6 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
5 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
4 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
3 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
2 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 NovemberConstitution of Search Committee
28 NovemberIntimation under Reg. 30 of SEBI LODR - Change in Directorate
26-27 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
26 NovemberAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
25 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
22 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
21 NovemberIntimation - Reg. 30 of SEBI LODR
20-21 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
19 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
18 NovemberDisclosure - Reg. 23(9) of SEBI LODR
18 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
14-15 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
13 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
12 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
11 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
7 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
6 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
05 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
04 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
31 OctoberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
30 OctoberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 OctoberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 OctoberAllotment of Equity Shares under ESOP
24 OctoberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
23 OctoberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
22 OctoberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
19 OctoberGranting of options under ESOS - 33
15 OctoberEarnings call
05 OctoberIntimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI LODR
21 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
21 SeptemberIntimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI LODR
19-20 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
3 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
4 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
5 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
6 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
9-10 SeptemberSchedule of Analyst and Investor meet
11 SeptemberSchedule of Analyst and Investor meet
12 SeptemberSchedule of Analyst and Investor meet
13 SeptemberSchedule of Analyst and Investor meet
16 SeptemberSchedule of Analyst and Investor meet
17 SeptemberSchedule of Analyst and Investor meet
18 SeptemberSchedule of Analyst and Investor meet
19 SeptemberSchedule of Analyst and Investor meet
19 SeptemberBoard meeting on 19th October 2019
20 SeptemberNewspaper intimation of Board meeting- Marathi
20 SeptemberNewspaper intimation of Board meeting- English
6 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
7 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
8 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
9 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
13 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
16 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
19 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
20 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
21 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
26 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
27 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
23 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 AugustIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
30 AugustAllotment of Equity Shares pursuant to ESOPs
30 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
8 JulyIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
8 JulyIntimation of Earnings Call
15 JulyIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
3 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
4 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
4 June Schedule of analyst and investor meet
7 JuneAppointment of Statutory Auditors
13 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
15 JuneSE Intimation Board Meeting
15 JuneBoard meeting on 20th July 2019
18 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
19 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
18 JuneIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
21 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
6-7 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
8 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
10 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
17 MayDisclosure of Related Party Transactions under Reg 23(9) for March 2019
20 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
21 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
23 MayIntimation of sell-side analyst meet
23 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
22-27 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 MayOutcome of sell-side analyst meet
29 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
30-31 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
5 AprilIntimation under Reg 30
6 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
7 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
12 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
12 MarchBoard meeting on 20th April 2019
13 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
14 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
19 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
20 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
4 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
6 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
11 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
12 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
13 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
13 FebruaryIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
18 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
19 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
22 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
25 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 FebruaryIntimation under Reg 30 of LODR- Acquisition
7 JanuaryIntimation under SEBI LODR Regulations
14 JanuaryEarnings Call for quarter ended December 2018 Schedule of analyst and investor meet
19 JanuaryOutcome of Board Meeting
22 JanuarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
24 JanuarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 JanuaryChange in directorate
31 JanuaryAppointment of Director


January - December 2020

28 DecIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
21 DecIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment
21 DecSchedule of analyst and investor meet
16 DecNewspaper intimation of Board meeting - English & Marathi
14 Dec

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

14 Dec

Appointment of Chief Risk Officer

14 Dec

Board Meeting on January 16, 2021

10 Dec

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

10 DecIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
9 Dec

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

7 Dec

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

3 Dec

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

3 Dec

Intimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR

2 DecVoting Results of Postal Ballot
2 Dec

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

25 NovOutcome of Board meeting
25 NovSchedule of analyst and investor meet
24 Nov

Intimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment

20 Nov

Disclosure under Reg. 30 of SEBI LODR

19 NovSchedule of analyst and investor meet
11 Nov

Disclosure of Related Party Transactions - SEBI LODR

9 Nov

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

2 Nov

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

2 Nov

Newspaper advertisement - Dispatch of Postal Ballot Notice

31 Oct

Notice of Postal Ballot

31 Oct

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

29 Oct

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

26 OctIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Change in directorate
26 OctIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment
26 OctSchedule of analyst and investor meet
26 OctNewspaper advertisements - Registration of email addresses of shareholders    
24 OctIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Grant of ESOP
19 OctPublication of results in English & Marathi newspapers (Sept 2020)
17 Oct

Intimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Appointment of Director

17 Oct

Intimation under Reg 33 of SEBI LODR - Audited Financial Results - September 30, 2020

15 Oct Intimation of Earnings Call under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
5 OctIntimation under SEBI LODR
22 SeptSchedule of analyst and investor meet
21 SeptClarification submitted to stock exchanges
19 SeptIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment
18 SeptSchedule of analyst and investor meet
17 SeptSchedule of analyst and investor meet
16 SeptSchedule of analyst and investor meet
15 SeptNewspaper intimation of Board meeting - English & Marathi
14 SeptIntimation under Reg. 30 of SEBI LODR - Board meeting
10 SeptSchedule of analyst and investor meet
9 SeptSchedule of analyst and investor meet
7 SeptSchedule of analyst and investor meet
3 SeptSchedule of analyst and investor meet
1 SeptSchedule of analyst and investor meet
27 AugIntimation under Reg 33 of SEBI LODR
27 AugSchedule of analyst and investor meet
25 AugSchedule of analyst and investor meet
25 AugIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment
21 AugSchedule of analyst and investor meet
19 AugSchedule of analyst and investor meet
18 AugIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
18 AugSchedule of analyst and investor meet
17 AugSchedule of analyst and investor meet
14 AugSchedule of analyst and investor meet
13 AugSchedule of analyst and investor meet
7 AugSchedule of analyst and investor meet
6 AugSchedule of analyst and investor meet
5 AugIntimation of Record date for bonds
4 AugSchedule of analyst and investor meet 
4 AugIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
3 AugSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 JulySchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 JulyIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment
24 JulySchedule of analyst and investor meet
24 JulySchedule of analyst and investor meet
22 JulyNewspaper notice under IEPF Rules, 2016
18 JulyProceedings / Outcome of the 26th AGM
18 JulyResult of the e-voting at the 26th AGM
18 JulyIntimation under Reg 33 of SEBI LODR
15 JulyIntimation of Earnings Call under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
14 JulyIntimation under Reg 8 of SEBI PIT
4 JulyIntimation under SEBI LODR
29 JuneIntimation under Reg 57 of SEBI LODR
29 JuneIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
25 JuneIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Newspaper advertisement
22 JuneIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Newspaper advertisement
22 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet 
22 JuneNewspaper intimation of AGM - Marathi
22 JuneNewspaper intimation of AGM - English
20 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet 
20 JuneOutcome of Board Meeting
19 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
18 JuneIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment
15 JuneIntimation under Reg. 30 of SEBI LODR
13 JuneIntimation under Reg 50 of SEBI LODR
13 JuneIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
11 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
Jun 3Schedule of analyst and investor meet
Jun 3Intimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Revision in ratings
Jun 2Schedule of analyst and investor meet
May 28Intimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment
May 27Newspaper advertisements - Registration of email addresses of shareholders
May 27Schedule of analyst and investor meet
May 22Schedule of analyst and investor meet
May 19Schedule of analyst and investor meet
May 14Schedule of analyst and investor meet
May 13Disclosure - Reg. 23(9) of SEBI LODR
May 12Schedule of analyst and investor meet
May 8Schedule of analyst and investor meet
May 7Schedule of analyst and investor meet
May 6Schedule of analyst and investor meet
May 5Schedule of analyst and investor meet
May 4Schedule of analyst and investor meet
30 AprilSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 AprilSchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 AprilIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment
28 AprilSchedule of analyst and investor meet
27 AprilSchedule of analyst and investor meet
24 AprilSchedule of analyst and investor meet
23 AprilSchedule of analyst and investor meet
22 AprilSchedule of analyst and investor meet
18 AprilIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
18 AprilIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Change in Directorate
15 AprilIntimation of Earnings call - March 2020
8 AprilIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
3 April    Intimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
23 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
21 MarchIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Grant of ESOP
20 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
19 MarchIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment
19 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
18 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
17 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
16 MarchIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
16 MarchIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
13 MarchIntimation under Reg. 30 of SEBI LODR
13 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
12 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
12 MarchNewspaper intimation of Board meeting - Marathi
12 MarchNewspaper intimation of Board meeting - English
11 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
11 MarchIntimation under Reg. 30 of SEBI LODR - Board meeting
9 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
6 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
5 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
4 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
4 MarchIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
4 MarchChange in Directorate
2 MarchSchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
26 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
26 FebruaryAllotment of Equity Shares pursuant to ESOPs
25 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
24 FebruaryIntimation under Reg. 30 of SEBI LODR
20 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
17-18 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
14 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
13 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
12 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
11 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
10 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
7 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
6 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
5 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
4 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
3 FebruarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
30 JanuarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 JanuaryIntimation under Reg. 30 of SEBI LODR
29 JanuarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 JanuarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
27 JanuarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
23-24 JanuarySchedule of analyst and investor meet
21 JanuaryAllotment of Equity Shares pursuant to ESOPs
18 JanuaryIntimation under Reg. 30 of SEBI LODR - Change in Directorate
14 JanuaryIntimation of Earnings call - December 2019
06 January Intimation under Reg. 30 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015


January - December 2021

28 DecIntimation of Interest payment for bonds - ISIN INE040A08393
24 DecIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP allotment
18 DecIntimation of Board meeting - Newspaper publication
15 DecIntimation of Interest payment for bonds - ISIN INE040A08351
14 DecPrior Intimation of Board Meeting - January 15, 2022
10 DecIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP allotment
26 NovIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Change in directorate
26 NovSchedule of investor & analyst meet
26 NovIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Grant of ESOP        
23 NovSchedule of investor & analyst meet
22 NovIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI - ESOP Allotment
17 NovSchedule of investor & analyst meet
16 NovSchedule of investor & analyst meet
10 NovIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI- ESOP Allotment 
8 NovSchedule of investor & analyst meet
25 OctIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI - ESOP Allotment
18 OctNewspaper publication of Financial Results
16 OctIntimation under Reg 33 of SEBI LODR
16 OctIntimation under Reg 23 of SEBI LODR 
13 OctIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Earnings call
4 OctIntimation under SEBI LODR
27 SepIntimation under SEBI LODR - Allotment of Bonds
25 SepIntimation of Board meeting - Newspaper publication
22 SepPrior Intimation of Board Meeting - October 16, 2021
22 SepReply to clarification sought by BSE
22 SepSchedule of investor & analyst meet
21 SepSchedule of investor & analyst meet
20 SepSchedule of investor & analyst meet
18 SepIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI - ESOP Allotment
15 SepSchedule of investor & analyst meet
14 SepSchedule of investor & analyst meet
2 SepSchedule of investor & analyst meet
27 AugIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI - ESOP Allotment
24 AugIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI
23 AugIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Allotment of ESOP
21 AugIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
18 AugIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
4 AugSchedule of investor & analyst meet
2 AugIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI
31 JulyIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Grant of ESOP
27 JulySchedule of investor & analyst meet
27 JulyIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
26 JulyIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment
19 JulyIntimation under Reg. 44 of the SEBI LODR
19 JulyIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Outcome of AGM
17 JulyIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Outcome of Board meeting
15 JulyIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Earnings call
13 JulyIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - RBI approval for joint statutory auditors
5 JulyIntimation under SEBI LODR
29 JuneClarification to stock exchange
24 JuneIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Newspaper advertisement
24 JuneIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment 
23 JuneSchedule of investor & analyst meet
22 JuneIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
21 JuneIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Annual Secretarial Compliance Report
21 JuneIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Newspaper advertisement
19 JuneIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
18 JuneIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment
18 JuneIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Outcome of Board meeting
15 JuneSchedule of investor & analyst meet
15 JuneIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Board to consider dividend
11 JunePrior Intimation of Board Meeting - July 17, 2021
10 JuneSchedule of investor & analyst meet
9 JuneSchedule of investor & analyst meet
2 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 MayIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
24 MayIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment
24 MaySchedule of investor & analyst meet
13 MayDisclosure under Reg 23 of SEBI LODR
29 AprilIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Change in directorate
26 AprilIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment
23 AprilIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - RBI approval for chairperson
19 AprilNewspaper publication of Financial Results
19 AprilIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
17 AprilIntimation under Reg 33 of SEBI LODR - Financial Results
17 AprilIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Outcome of Board meeting
15 AprilIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Earnings call
14 AprilDisclosure pursuant to Regs. 29 & 50 of SEBI LODR
5 AprilIntimation under SEBI LODR
30 MarIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Change in directorate
18 MarSchedule of investor & analyst meet
18 MarIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment
17 MarSchedule of investor & analyst meet
17 MarIntimation of board meeting - Newspaper publication
17 MarIntimation of Board meeting
15 MarSchedule of investor & analyst meet
12 MarSchedule of investor & analyst meet
10-11 MarSchedule of investor & analyst meet
9 MarSchedule of investor & analyst meet
8 MarSchedule of investor & analyst meet
4 MarSchedule of analyst and investor meet
3 MarSchedule of analyst and investor meet
2 MarSchedule of analyst and investor meet
1 MarSchedule of analyst and investor meet
25 Feb

Intimation under Reg 30 of SEBI - LODR

23 Feb

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

22 Feb

Intimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment

18 Feb

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

17 Feb

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

16 Feb

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

12 Feb

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

11 Feb

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

10 Feb

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

4 Feb

Revised Schedule of analyst and investor meet

4 Feb

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

2 Feb

Intimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR

30 JanSchedule of Investor and Analyst meet
28 JanSchedule of Investor and Analyst meet

25 Jan

Intimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - ESOP Allotment

22 Jan

Intimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR

20 Jan

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

18 Jan

Newspaper publication of financial results

16 JanIntimation under Reg 33 of SEBI LODR
16 JanInadvertent Trading by a designated person
14 JanEarnings Call
5 JanIntimation under SEBI LODR
1 JanIntimation under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR - Change in directorate


January - December 2024


January - December 2025

Stock Exchange Disclosures

A month-by-month list of disclosures we have made to various stock exchanges since December 2015.

Archived Disclosures


27 December
Dispatch of EGM notice newspaper advertisement- Business Standard
27 December
Dispatch of EGM notice newspaper advertisement - Navshakti
27 December
Board meeting on 19th January 2018
27 December
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
15 December
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
14 December
Board meeting on 20th December 2017-Prior intimation under Reg 29
13 December
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
12 December
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
7-8 December
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
6 December
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
23 November
Allotment of equity shares under ESOP
21 November
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
16 November
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
14-15 November
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
13 November
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
10 November
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
8-9 November
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
7 November
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
6 November
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
3 November
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
2 November
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
01 November
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
30 October
Schedule of analyst and investor meet
28 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
27 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
25 SeptemberAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
20-22 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
13-19 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
18 SeptemberBoard meeting on 24th October, 2017
12 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
11 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
8 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
7 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
5 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
1 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
31 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 to 30 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
23 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
22 AugustSchedule of Analyst and investor meet
2 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
1 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
8-10 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 JulySchedule of analyst and investor meet
26 JulySchedule of analyst and investor meet
25 JulyProceedings of 23rd AGM of the Bank
24 JulyOutcome of 23rd AGM of the Bank
17 JulyEarnings call for quarter ended 30th June 2017
01 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
05 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
12 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
19-21 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
19 JuneBoard Meeting on 24th July 2017
21 JuneNewspaper advertisement for Board meeting - English
21 JuneNewspaper advertisement for Board meeting- Marathi
22 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
23 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
27 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
27 JuneAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
28 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
02 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
04 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
08 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
24 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
25 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
26 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
26 MayAllotment of ESOP Shares
05 AprilGrant of stock options
06 AprilGrant of stock options- revised
15 AprilEarnings call for year ended 31st March 2017
21 AprilGrant of stock options
21 AprilOutcome of Board Meeting
01 March

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

03 March

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

06 March

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

07 March

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

09 March

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

15 March

Re-appointment of DMD and ED

15-16 March

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

20 March

Board meeting on 21st April, 2017

18 March

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

20 March

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

21 March

Newspaper advertisement of Board Meeting- English

21 March

Newspaper advertisement of Board Meeting- Marathi

23 March

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

27- 29 March

Schedule of analyst and investor meet


01-02 February

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

07-08 February

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

9-13 February

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

14 February

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

15 February

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

17 February

RBI Press Release

17 February

RBI Press Release- updation in ban list

16-17 February

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

20 February

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

22 February

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

23 February

Schedule of analyst and investor meet


27 January

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

02 January

Schedule of analysts and investor meet

23 January

Disclosure of information

24 January

Earnings call for quarter ended 31st December 2016

30 January

Schedule of analyst and investor meet

31 January

Schedule of analyst and investor meet


January - December 2016

02 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
06 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
07-08 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
13 DecemberBoard meeting on 24th January, 2017
13 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
14 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
14 DecemberNewspaper advertisement for Board meeting (English)
14 DecemberNewspaper advertisement for Board meeting (Marathi)
15-16 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
19 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
23 DecemberAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
21-22 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
23 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
26 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
30 DecemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
07 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
08 NovemberReply to clarification sought by Exchanges
08 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
10 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
11 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
15 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
16-17 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
18-19 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
21 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
22 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
24 NovemberTransfer of shares to IEPF
24-25 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 NovemberAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
28 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
30 NovemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
19 OctoberEarnings call for quarter ended September 2016
25 OctoberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
26 OctoberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 OctoberAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
28 OctoberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 OctoberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
02 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
07 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
14 SeptemberBoard meeting on 25th October, 2016
14 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
16 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
20 SeptemberAppointment of Additional Director
12-16 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
22 SeptemberAllotment of bonds
23 SeptemberAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
26 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
26-27 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 SeptemberSchedule of analyst and investor meet
05-06 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
08 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
09 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
10 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
11 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
18 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
22 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
23 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
24 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
25 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
26 AugustAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
26 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
30-31 AugustSchedule of analyst and investor meet
1 JulyDisclosure of Information
15 JulySE Intimation Earnings call
20 JulyPress release
21 JulyReg 44 (3)- Disclosure of Voting Result
22 JulyProceedings of 22nd AGM
22 JulySchedule of analyst and investor meet
22 JulyUpdates
26 JulySchedule of analyst and investor meet
28 JulySchedule of analyst and investor meet
29 JulyAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
1 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
7 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
8 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
10 JuneDisclosure of Information
10 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
13 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
16 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
17 JuneNotice of 22nd Annual General Meeting
18 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
20 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
22 JuneSchedule of analyst and investor meet
23 JuneBoard Meeting on 21st July, 2016
24 JuneAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
24 JuneNewspaper advertisement for Board meeting (English)
24 JuneNewspaper advertisement for Board meeting (Marathi)
24 JuneSchedule of Analyst and Investor Meet
27 JuneDisclosure of information
27 JuneSchedule of Analyst and Investor Meet
30 JuneDisclosure under Reg 33(3)(b)(i) of Listing Regulations
28-30 JuneSchedule of Analyst and Investor Meet
13 MayDisclosure of Information
13 MayBonds Call Intimation
18 MaySchedule of analyst and investor meet
19 MayOutcome of Board meeting
27 MayAllotment of equity shares under ESOPs
20 AprilEarnings call for quarter and year ended 31st March 2016
26 AprilSchedule of analysts and investor meet
26 AprilDisclosure of Information
27 AprilAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
29 AprilUpdates
30 AprilSchedule of analysts and investor meet
1 MarchAppointment of Additional Director
1 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
2 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
3 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
8 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
10 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
11 MarchAllotment of employee stock options
11 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
15 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
16 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
18 MarchBoard Meeting on 22nd April, 2016
18 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
19 MarchNewspaper advertisement for Board meeting(Marathi)
19 MarchNewspaper advertisement for Board meeting(English)
19 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
21 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
22 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
23 MarchAllotment of equity shares under ESOP
23 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
28 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
29 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
31 MarchSchedule of Analysts and investor meet
02 FebruarySchedule of analysts and investor meet
03 FebruarySchedule of analysts and investor meet
05 FebruarySchedule of analysts and investor meet
09 FebruarySchedule of analysts and investor meet
10 FebruarySchedule of analysts and investor meet
11 FebruarySchedule of analysts and investor meet
11 FebruarySchedule of analysts and investor meet
12 FebruarySchedule of analysts and investor meet
15 FebruarySchedule of analysts and investor meet
17 FebruaryDisclosure of Information
18 FebruarySchedule of analysts and investor meet
19 FebruaryPress Release
23 FebruaryCompany update
22 and 24 FebruarySchedule of analysts and investor meet
29 FebruarySchedule of analysts and investor meet
25 JanuarySchedule of Events-Earnings Call to discuss Q3FY16 Financial Results.
27 JanuaryIntimation of policies to Stock Exchanges under LODR

Policy for determination of materiality of information & events

Policy for determining material subsidiary

Archival Policy
27 JanuarySchedule of analysts and investor meet
28 JanuarySchedule of analysts and investor meet
28 JanuaryAllotment of Equity Shares under ESOP


December 2015

02 DecemberIntimation of Fixing Board Meeting
06 DecemberPaper Notice