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Bond / Debenture / Commercial Paper-related disclosures 2023

Bond / Debenture / Commercial Paper-related disclosures 2023

30 DecQuarterly coupon rate resetting as on 291223_Z005
28 DecIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 281223
27 DecIntimation under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Directorate
26 DecIntimation regarding payment of CP maturity due on 261223
22 DecRecord date intimation to NSE and BSE for payments due in February'24 - NCD
22 Dec Record date intimation to NSE and BSE for payments due in January'24 - CP
21 DecIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 211223
18 DecIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 161223
15 DecIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 151223
11 DecIntimation regarding payment of CP maturity due on 111223
05 DecIntimation regarding payment of CP maturity due on 051223
04 DecIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 021223.
01 DecIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 011223
29 Nov Intimation regarding payment of interest due on 291123
28 NovIntimation regarding payment of CP maturity due on 281123
28 NovIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 251123
27 NovRecord date intimation to NSE and BSE for payments due in January'24 - NCD
24 NovIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 241123
23 NovIntimation regarding payment of CP maturity due on 231123 
20 NovIntimation regarding payment of interest / redemption amount due on 181123 and 201123
13 NovIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 131123
13 NovRecord date intimation to NSE and BSE for payments due in December'23 - Commercial Paper
1 NovIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 011123
30 Oct Intimation regarding payment of interest due on 281023
26 OctRecord date intimation to NSE and BSE for payments due in December'23 - NCD
23 OctIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 211023 and 231023
23 OctRecord date intimation to NSE and BSE for payments due in November'23 - Commercial Paper
18 OctIntimation regarding payment of CP maturity due on 181023
16 OctConfirmation of non-applicability of Security cover certificate_300923 
16 OctIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 161023
12 OctIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 121023
12 OctIntimation regarding payment of CP maturity due on 121023 
3 OctIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 290923 and 300923
29 SepIntimation regarding quarterly coupon rate setting in NCDs series Z-005_300923
29 SepQuarterly coupon rate resetting as on 300923_Z005
27 SepIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 270923 
27 SepIntimation regarding payment of CP maturity due on 270923
25 SepIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 250923
25 Sep Record date intimation to NSE and BSE for payments due in November'23 - NCD
22 SepRecord date intimation to NSE and BSE for payments due in October'23
21 SepIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 210923
11 Sep Intimation regarding payment of CP maturity due on 110923
8 SepIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 080923
7 SepIntimation regarding payment of interest and principal due on 070923 
6 SepIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 060923
30 AugIntimation regarding payment of CP maturity due on 300823 
29 AugIntimation regarding payment of CP maturity due on 290823
28 AugIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 280823
25 AugRecord date intimation to NSE and BSE for payments due in October 2023 - NCD
25 AugIntimation regarding payment of CP maturity due on 250823
24 AugRecord date intimation to NSE and BSE for payments due in September 2023 - Commercial Paper
24 AugIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 24.08.2023
14 AugIntimation regarding payment of interest due on 13.08.23 and 14.08.23
11 AugIntimation regarding payment of CP maturity due on 11.08.23 
11 AugIntimation regarding payment of interest and principal due on 11.08.23
28 JulDisclosure under Reg 30 of SEBI LODR
27 JulIntimation of Record Date - Maturity of Commercial Papers
27 JulConfirmation under Reg 57(1) of SEBI LODR
26 JulIntimation under Reg 60 of SEBI LODR
25 JulMaturity of Commerical Papers - INE040A14029
20 Jul  Intimation of Record Date  
20 Jul  Intimation under Reg 60 of SEBI LODR
18 Jul Intimation under Reg 57(1) of SEBI LODR
17 JulNon-applicability of SEBI Circular dated May 19, 2022
11 JulIntimation regarding Payment of interest - INE001A07RV7 
30 JunIntimation of Interest payment for bonds - ISIN INE040A08385
25 AprDisclosure under SEBI Operational Circular
5 AprSubmission of ISIN details of debt listed securities
3 AprDisclosure under Reg. 57(5) of SEBI LODR
3 AprIntimation of Record date - INE040A08385
31 MarIntimation of Interest Payment for bonds - INE040A08344
23 MarIntimation under Reg 57(4) of SEBI LODR
2 JanIntimation of Record date - INE040A08344
2 JanDisclosure under Reg. 57(5) of SEBI LODR
28 DecIntimation of Interest payment for bonds - ISIN INE040A08393