

  • Entity type: Private Limited/Partnership/LLP/OPC​
  • Should be less than 10 years from date of incorporation​
  • Should use innovative technology/methods/processes in its business and work towards a scalable business model with high potential for wealth creation​
  • Should provide specific declaration in Most Important Document (MID) at time of account opening​
  • DPIIT registration certificate (if available)


1. What are the documents required for opening a Current Account of Limited Liability Partnership?​
​Following documents are required for opening a Current account of Limited Liability Partnership:​

  • Incorporation Document, Limited Liability Partnership Agreement​
  • Certificate of Incorporation​
  • List of all existing Designated Partners of LLP along with Designated Partner Identification Number (DPIN) issued by the Central Government​
  • Resolution passed at the meeting of Designated Partners for the particular relationship, which the LLP plans to have with the bank​
  • KYC of Designated Partners/Authorised Signatories​

2. What are the documents required for opening Current Account of a company?​
Following documents are required for opening current account of a company:​

Private Limited Companies​

  • Memorandum of Association (MOA)​
  • Articles of Association (AOA)​
  • Certificate of Incorporation​
  • Latest list of directors duly signed by any Director/Company Secretary /Authorised Signatory​
  • Board Resolution (BR) duly signed by the directors of the company​
  • INC-21 and INC-20A will be required as applicable​

Limited Companies​

  • Memorandum of Association (MOA)​
  • Articles of Association (AOA)​
  • Certificate of Incorporation​
  • Certificate of Commencement of Business​
  • Latest list of directors duly signed by any Director/Company Secretary/Authorised Signatory​
  • Board Resolution (BR) duly signed by the Directors/Company Secretary of the Company​
  • INC-21 and INC-20A will be required as applicable​

Fees & Charges
