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How to Open NRI Account in India?

If you are worried about opening a Non-Resident External (NRE) Account/ or a Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) Account, fret not! Opening an NRI (Non-Resident Indian) Bank Account is an extremely easy and hassle-free process. All you need to do is follow the below-mentioned steps and procedures and voila! Your NRI Account is opened.

NRI accounts can opened either on

1) Face to Face Basis

  • You may visit any nearest HDFC Bank branch in India and open NRE/ NRO Account. Click here to locate an HDFC Bank near you.

  • If account is being opened under FACE-TO-FACE basis, then you will have to carry all the original KYC documents while visiting the branch.

2) Non-Face to Face Basis-

  • Click Here to fill in the HDFC bank NRE/NRO Account opening application form and our bank representatives will call you to assist further on our account opening process.

  • If you are already an existing account holder with HDFC Bank and if you wish to open account under NON FACE TO FACE basis then you need to mandatorily self-attest on all supporting KYC documents.

  • If you do not hold any bank relationship with HDFC Bank and if you wish to open account under NON FACE TO FACE basis then supporting KYC documents need to be self attested by the and further need to be attested by any one of the designated authorities. Click Here for the list of designated authorities.

DOCUMENTATION (New to Bank /Existing NRI customer)

  • NRI Account Opening FORM (A4) signed by all holders. Click Here for form. 

  • Latest Passport size photograph of all holders.

  • Copy of PAN card / Form 60 (in absence of PAN) (Click Here for form 60).

  • Proof of Identity (Valid Indian / Foreign Passport)

  • Proof of NRI/PIO Status (Indian Passport holder- Valid Employment / Residence / Student / Dependent visa copy or work / Residence Permit copy. Foreign Passport holder- OCI-Overseas Citizen of India card / PIO-Person of Indian Origin card. PIO Declaration- Customer holding foreign passport and does not have an OCI or PIO card then PIO Declaration (Section O of NRI account opening form) needs to be filled)

  • Proof of Address (Any ONE Address Proof - either OVERSEAS OR INDIAN) Click here for the list of acceptable address proofs)


  • If signature mentioned on form is not matching with passport, then Section P needs to be filled.
  • Additional documents will be required for Seafarer (Mariners) / NRI Students / opening Salary Account / Saudi based customers / Customers travelling with E- Visa / Foreign National Students etc.

  • If address proof submitted is part of deemed OVD then annexure X (Click Here) need to be submitted along with the account opening request. 

  • In case you hold a Resident bank account with us and wish to convert the same to NRO then click here to know the process. 

Click Here to place the request for call back for opening NRE/NRO Account opening.

