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4 Best things to do on an Airport Layover

A layover is that leg on a long journey that often serves as an irritant to travellers. But with the right plan of action, not to mention, resources, a layover is not only enjoyable but also an opportunity to tick off a bunch of to-dos.

Here’s how you can make the most of your time on a layover.

  • Shop

    Discover new books to read at a bookstore, take a stroll down the shopping aisle, step into duty free and pick up gifts. The possibilities are endless! Use your time on a layover wisely to garner all the things you have been meaning to purchase but just don’t have time in your busy life.
  • Check into a hotel 

    Most airports these days have access to hotels within their confines. The best part is that you don’t even have to book a room for the whole 24 hours. Just pull out your HDFC Bank Credit Card and walk in confidently for a few hours of luxury on your layover.
  • Just lounge

    There was a time when you had to be a Business Class traveller to access the airport’s lounge. But not anymore. With the HDFC Bank Credit Card you can walk into the lounge, treat yourself to some food and drinks and even schedule in a conference call or two.
  • Leave the airport, explore the city

    Depending on how long your layover is, and whether you have a day-long visa to explore that country, you can leave the airport and grab a quick tour of the city you’re in. Grab some local food, savour local drinks and stretch your legs out in the open. Fresh air after being confined in a cabin with recycled air is always a welcome change to sitting around and waiting for the next leg of the journey to begin.

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