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How to make online payment from a Debit Card



Debit Cards are very much in use these days when it comes to making payments and transacting on almost every occasion. One of the major reasons for this is their ease of use and convenience. Thus, even if you are a Debit Card novice and have no prior experience of using the card, fret not. Debit Cards are very convenient to deal with. All you need to do is keep a few basic things in mind.

How to Use Debit Cards?

Debit Cards can be used for payments almost anywhere that credit cards are accepted. From restaurants to online retailers to stores, you can use your Debit Card anywhere and anytime.

All you need to do is run the black magnetic strip on the back of your card through the card machine and sign for the transaction you have entered in.

In many cases, outlets use card readers. In that case, you input your unique 4- digit unique PIN or Personal Identification Number, after entering the amount. The bank account linked with your Debit Card processes the request and completes the transaction.

How to Use a Debit Card Online?

If you're paying for something online, you can use your Debit Card. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you complete your payments online using Debit Cards-

  • Once you are at the payment checkout, you need to choose “Pay Using Debit/ Credit Card. Once you select on the option, you need to specify the type of card, i.e., Debit Card and whether it is a Visa or Mastercard.
  • Then, type the 16-digit Debit Card number which is on the front side of your Debit Card. You will also have to enter the expiration date of the card.
  • Once you’ve entered the Debit Card details, you may be asked for a CCD, CVV, or similar security code. In most cases, it is a three or four- digit code that helps prove that you are authorised to use the card. This code is mostly found on the back of the cards.
  • Once you are through the payment portal, you will be asked to enter a unique transaction code or an OTP (one-time password) that is sent to the mobile number linked to your Debit Cards. Once you enter the number, your transaction is verified, and you receive a notification.
  • To use a Debit Card online, you will need to know the correct billing address which is linked to the card being used.

If you’re looking to apply for an HDFC Bank Debit Card, New customers can get a new Debit Card through opening a new Savings Account while experiencing hassle-free banking with HDFC Bank. Existing HDFC Bank customers can get their Debit Card reissued within minutes here.

​​​​​​​* Terms & conditions apply. Dedit Card approvals are at sole discretion of HDFC Bank Ltd