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How to stay safe during your Hajj travel

Hajj/Umrah is one of the most awaited journeys for followers of the Islamic faith. However, it is necessary to stay safe during this tour to make the most of it. Here are some ways to ensure that you come back from Hajj or Umrah only with the best experience.

  • Stay connected with family & friends: You may want to carry a basic, unlocked mobile phone with you for the same. It is easy to buy a SIM card then from Mecca or Medina. This can be of great help in case of emergencies.
  • Stay alert! When out of your hotel, watch out for pickpockets. Even in hotels, keep your valuables secure in a safe. This is one of the reasons to carry fewer valuables as possible.
  • Avoid carrying too much of cash: Carrying a lot of money in a crowded place can not only take away your peace of mind but prove to be disastrous in case of loss or theft. Therefore, carrying money through a Hajj Umrah Forex Card is safer and much more convenient.

    Read more on how to carry funds on your Hajj Umrah trip
  • Carry your prescribed medicines and the prescription with you: It is advisable to carry your medicines, just in case you can’t find your exact medication while on your pilgrimage. Also, always have a note with you, describing the diseases you may be suffering from and the chemicals that you may be allergic to.
  • Make an identity card for yourself: Since you do not have quick access to your passport during the Hajj, have a self-made identification card on you, which has the following details:
  • Complete name
  • Passport number
  • Your contact information in Mecca, Medina and your country
  • Your cluster head’s contact information
  • Diseases and/or allergies if any.

    This will help in case of medical emergencies, or in case you are unable to locate your hotel or have been separated from your assigned group.
  • Get vaccinated: Saudi Arabia asks for proof of vaccination against diseases like meningitis, Yellow Fever, Polio (depending on the country you come from). The pilgrimage is taken up by millions of people from across the globe. Therefore vaccinations are a must.
  • Read fire safety instructions: It is suggested to read fire safety instructions in places of accommodation and other areas you visit, especially how to escape it.
  • Stay safe during the rituals: With a huge number of people performing the Hajj/Umrah, it is vital that you remain calm & patient, and adhere to the disciplinary rules there. Do not push or shove, do not walk against the direction of the traffic and stick to the designated lanes during the rituals.

Looking to apply for an HDFC Bank Hajj Umrah Card? Click here to get started!

* Terms & conditions apply. Forex Card approvals are at sole discretion of HDFC Bank Ltd