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HDFC Bank (AMFI Registered Mutual Funds Distributor)

Mutual funds give you the ability to easily invest in increasingly complicated financial markets. Mutual Funds could be Equity funds, Debt funds, floating rate debt or balanced funds. A large part of the success of mutual funds is also the advantages they offer in terms of diversification, professional management and liquidity.

Investing in Mutual Funds through HDFC Bank (AMFI Registered Mutual Funds Distributor) is more rewarding than ever before. With the Investment Services Account, you can easily carry out transactions and have complete control over your Mutual Funds via NetBanking, 

Types of Mutual Funds

Mutual funds offer one of the most comprehensive, easy and flexible ways to create a diversified portfolio of investments.


Equity Funds

  • Get exposure to the stock market
  • Potential of high returns over long-term
  • Ideal for young, aggressive investors

Debt Funds

  • Invest in debt, fixed-income and money market instruments
  • Relatively safe with low-risk-low-return
  • Ideal for risk averse investors looking to generate steady income.

Solution Oriented Funds

  • Help invest for a specific goal like retirement or children’s education
  • Build investor discipline
  • Wealth creation over long term for specific goal fulfillment

Hybrid Funds

  • Invest across equity, debt and/or gold
  • Help investors achieve asset allocation & diversification
  • Comparatively low risk with moderate returns

Index Funds

  • Exposure to equity markets
  • No hassle of stock selection as they replicate the Index
  • Returns similar to the Index returns

Tax Saving Funds

  • Dual benefit of wealth creation and tax saving.
  • Get exposure to equity
  • Potential of wealth creation
  • Only 3-year lock-in period


How can I invest in Mutual Funds?
InvestNow is a mutual fund investment platform for HDFC Bank customers where the customers get expert recommendations basis their financial goals & risk appetite. There are no registration charges for InvestNow account and it involves smooth onboarding & hassle free payments for the customers. You can register for InvestNow by Login to NetBanking -> Mutual Fund Tab -> Click on InvestNow Banner.

Know more about InvestNow

Who is eligible to use InvestNow?
A residential Indian who has a single owner savings account of HDFC Bank can register for InvestNow. Your PAN needs to be KYC registered compliant as per SEBI guidelines. You can check you PAN status here:

How to avail InvestNow service?
Login to NetBanking -> Go to Mutual Fund tab -> Click on InvestNow banner and you’ll be redirected to the InvestNow platform. 

How do I add nominee in InvestNow?
To add a nominee for your investment, click on your profile & go to Add Nominee option and add requisite details of the nominee. 

Whom should I contact for any queries on InvestNow?
You can drop an email at for any queries pertaining to InvestNow. 

Can multiple accounts be linked on InvestNow?
No, only a single account can be linked for all payments & redemptions on InvestNow. 

​​​​​​​Is there any registration charge for InvestNow?
No, there are no registration charges for InvestNow. It’s a totally free account.


What's the product all about?

  • Process that considers your risk profile, investment objectives and financial goals
  • Expert recommendations from our in-house research team
  • Comprehensive Portfolio Tracker
  • Monthly updates on new offers and investment concepts.

What process does it follow?
A complete structured process:

  • Identifying Objectives
  • Establishing your Risk Profile
  • Recommending Research Backed Solutions
  • Seamless Execution
  • Regular Reviews

Our InvestTrack comes to you with an array of unmatched benefits, which include:

  • Structured Process considering your risk profile, investment objectives and financial goals
  • Recommendations from HDFC Bank's in-house research team
  • Choice of convenient Mutual Fund execution platforms
  • Comprehensive Portfolio Tracker* that provides a consolidated view of your Mutual Fund Investments, HDFC Life Policies, Savings, Current & FD Account Balances
  • Complimentary subscription* to our exclusive monthly magazine that updates you on:
    • Market Movements
    • New Fund Offerings
    • Recommended Funds' Performance
    • Fund Managers' Views
    • Informative articles on various investment products
  • Proactive monthly updates on new offers and investment concepts.

What process does it follow?
The 5 step structured process of InvestTrack involves:

To know more about this service, please contact your Relationship Manager / Branch Manager, or visit our nearest branch.

Disclaimer: This document has been prepared on the basis of publicly available information, internally developed data and other sources believed to be reliable. HDFC Bank Limited ("HDFC Bank") does not warrant its completeness and accuracy. This information is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument / units of Mutual Fund. Recipients of this information should rely on their own investigations and take their own professional advice. Neither HDFC Bank nor any of its employees shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages, including lost profits arising in any way from the information contained in this material. HDFC Bank and its affiliates, officers, directors, key managerial persons and employees, including persons involved in the preparation or issuance of this material may, from time to time, have investments / positions in Mutual Funds / schemes referred in the document. HDFC Bank may at any time solicit or provide commercial banking, credit or other services to the Mutual Funds / AMCs referred to herein. Accordingly, information may be available to HDFC Bank, which is not reflected in this material, and HDFC Bank may have acted upon or used the information prior to, or immediately following its publication. HDFC Bank neither guarantees nor makes any representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the fairness, correctness, accuracy, adequacy, reasonableness, viability for any particular purpose or completeness of the information and views. Further, HDFC Bank disclaims all liability in relation to use of data or information used in this report which is sourced from third parties.

HDFC Bank House, 1 st Floor, C.S. No. 6 \ 242, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013. Phone: (91)-22-66527100, ext - 7111, Fax: (91)-22-24900983 \ 24900858

​​​​​​​Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read the scheme information and other related documents carefully before investing.


Suspension of subscription in certain schemes across Mutual Fund through lumpsum, switch-ins and fresh registration of SIPs/STPs or such other special product.

Pursuant to AMFI communication dated January 30, 2022 to the Mutual Fund houses and as advised by SEBI, in order to avoid breach of industry-wide overseas limits as allowed by RBI, lumpsum subscription, switch-ins and fresh registration of SIP/STP or such other special product under certain schemes falling under the above regulation are being suspended temporarily with effect from February 2, 2022:

It may be noted that lump sum subscription or switch-in applications received post the cut-off timing of February 1, 2022 shall not be accepted and processed.

It is clarified that the said suspension is not applicable for intra scheme switches between Plan(s) and Option(s) in the same scheme and existing registered SIP / STP or such other special product transactions. However in such schemes unit allocation is discretion of respective AMCs. 

The aforesaid suspension is temporary in nature and will continue only till further enhancement of limit by Regulators in this regard.

In HDFC Bank Mutual Fund systems the updation is done basis communication from respective AMCs. Hence there may be possibility that during such intimation and updation stages certain investments done in said schemes may get rejected and refunded.