
NPS Vatsalya

How to open NPS account

You can enrol for NPS online in paperless process through our website from the convenience of your home / office. The prime objective of the scheme is to provide all citizens of India with an attractive long-term savings avenue to plan for retirement through safe and reasonable market-based returns. The account can be opened by all Indian Citizens between 18 to 70 Years.

Steps for online account opening:​​​​​​​

  1. You can enrol for NPS by clicking on 'Apply Now' option under NPS (National Pension System)

  2. You can choose any one CRA to open NPS account (Computer Age Management Services Ltd (CAMS), K-Fin Technologies Private Limited or Protean e-Gov Technologies Ltd (Formerly NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited).

  3. You can choose any one CRA to open the account (K-Fin Technologies Private Limited or NSDL e-governance infrastructure LTD.).

  4. You will get online form, which needs to be filled with mandatory fields.

  5. Acknowledgement Id for your registration (account opening) will be generated. There will be provision to complete the registration (account opening form) later, but within 15 days, based on acknowledgement number search.

  6. Modes of KYC verification

    • Pan based – HDFC Bank will verify KYC on the basis of details maintained in your account with Bank. (Hence details being input in NPS should be exactly as per bank account).

    • Offline Aadhaar .XML KYC – KYC details will be taken from the database of UIDAI.

  7. You need to share detail like Bank details, scheme details, nominee details etc.

  8. You need to upload photograph, specimen signature, cancelled cheque / bank statement / passbook copy and PAN copy as per file size permissible.

  9. You need to make initial contribution of min Rs. 500.

  10. You will be directed to online payment platform wherein you will complete the payment through HDFC Bank NetBanking or payment gateway.

  11. On successful payment, 12-digit PRAN will be allotted to you and PDF form will be generated based on data given.

  12. PRAN will be communicated to you via registered email and SMS.

  13. E-Sign/OTP – You will have to complete online e-sign or OTP based confirmation once registration process is completed. This is to avoid physical submission of registration form.

Corporate Benefit