Key Benefits


Age at Enter Year40 YearsSingle pay: 65 years 5 &6 years: 60Years 7 to 10 Years: 65Years 11 to 15 Years less ppt

Age at MaturityWhole of Life
Premium Paying term (ppt)Single Pay(1.25x DBM) 5Years to 15 Years(7xDBM) 8Years to 15 years(10xDBM)
Policy TermWhole of Life
Instalment PremiumSingle Pay(1.25x DBM):1,00,000 LImited Pay:Annual:1,00,000 Half-Yearly:51,000 Quarterly:26,000 Monthly:8750 7xDBM Annul:30,000 Half-yearly :15,300 Quarterly: 7.800 Monthly:2,625Consistent with Maximum Sum Assured on Death
Sum Assured on deathSingle Pay:1.25 Times the Single PremiunSingle Pay: 1.25 times the Single Premiun
Limited pay:7times the Annualised PremiunLimited Pay:10times the Annualised Premium*Subject to the Borad Approved Underwriting Policy(BAUP