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Penal Charges for Construction Finance

Penal Charges for Construction Finance

Sr. No.

Type of Charge

Description of Charges


Foreclosure charges for Take over cases

4% of loan Principal outstanding for Term loan and 4% of the sanctioned amount for Working Capital Facility (plus taxes). Micro & Small Enterprises as defined under MSMED Act 2006 are exempted irrespective of the limits/out standings.


Charges for Overdue / delay / default of any monies payable

4% over the contracted rate of the transaction


Penal charges on customer exposures, overdue for renewal of credit facilities

4% over the contracted rate of the transaction


Higher levy of charges in case account conduct deteriorates

4% over the contracted rate of the transaction


Breach of facility covenants (if any)

4% over the contracted rate of the transaction


EMI bounce charges for term loans

Rs 450 (plus taxes) Per EMI bounce


Penal charges for customers not submitting the Letter Acknowledging their Debt (LAD)

Rs. 5000 per week from the due date


Non-Submission of Project MIS as applicable (monthly/ quarterly)

Rs. 5000 per week from the due date


Maintaining Current Account with Other Bank while facility is granted under Sole Banking (Applicable where specific permission is not taken by the customer). Notice to be sent for immediate closure

Rs. 5000 per week from the date identified, till the closure


Not complying with documentation for the credit facility.

Other than security document, Rs. 5000 per week from the due date