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Auto Debit Instruction for Credit Card Payments

Auto Debit Instruction for Credit Card Payments

If you have set an auto debit instruction for your Credit Card payments, here are some things you must know:

  • Autopay gets activated within 7 days.

  • If your payment due date is within the next 7 days, please pay your card statement balance using your routine payment mode.

  • Maintain sufficient balance so that the Total Amount Due (TAD) or Minimum Amount due (MAD), as opted by you on your Credit Card gets auto debited on the payment due date.

  • By activating auto debit, you authorise HDFC Bank to recover at least the Minimum Amount Due (MAD) on the Credit Card from your account. So, the minimum due gets cleared automatically if there is insufficient balance to auto-debit the Total Amount due (TAD). This ensures your card account remains in good standing and does not lead to default in payment of at least the Minimum Amount Due (MAD)

  • However, you also acknowledge and agree that auto debit of Minimum Amount due (MAD) instead of Total Amount due (TAD) is your failure to adhere to the AutoPay instruction of the total Credit Card due. Through this acknowledgement, you authorise the bank to levy Autopay return charges on the net payable amount.

  • While enabling the auto-debit instruction, you also acknowledge and agree to the levy of Autopay return charges in case of partial payments. This means if you make a partial payment before the payment due date, the autopay instruction for payment of the Minimum Amount due (MAD) or Total Amount due (TAD), as opted, may be returned unpaid. As a result, autopay return charges will be levied on the net payable amount.

Autopay return charges will be 2% on the total payment amount subject to a minimum of ₹ 450/-* (Refer to MITC ie. most important terms and conditions document for latest applicable updates).

Turnaround time for Autopay delinking from the linked bank account would be 2 working days.

