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HealthCover Fixed Deposit

HealthCover Fixed Deposit

  1. Min Fixed deposit amount: 5 lacs and Max Fixed deposit amount: 1.99 cr

  2. Min tenure: 1 years and Max tenure: 10 years

  3. Any customer declaring good health as “No” will not be eligible for this product and can only book normal regular FD

  4. Complimentary Health Life insurance cover is offered. The value of Policy offered shall be dependent on principal amount of the FD. Hospi Cash cover Rs 500 per day for 15 days: FD amount >=5 lacs to < 10 lacs and Hospi Cash cover Rs 1000 per day for 15 days: FD amount >= 10 lac to 1.99 cr

  5. Complimentary Health insurance (Hospi Cash) cover offered is valid only for 1st year

  6. OD against HealthCover FD can be availed (up to 90% of FD value)

  7. Interest payout options: Monthly/Quarterly/On Maturity

  8. Premature/Partial withdrawal/Sweep in facility available

  9. Monthly / Quarterly interest payout can be opted by the customer

  10. Interest rates applicable on HealthCover FD will be same as that of regular fixed deposit. View interest Rates 

  11. As per terms & conditions of the fixed deposits accounts of the bank in case of premature closure of Fixed Deposit (including sweep in / partial closure) the interest rate will be 1.00% below the contracted rate or the base rate applicable for the period the deposit has remained with the bank, whichever is lower.

  12. I am aware that the interest rate applicable on premature closure of deposits (all amounts) will be lower of: a) The rate for the original/contracted tenor for which the deposit has been booked OR b) The base rate applicable for the tenor for which the deposit has been in force with the Bank. For deposits booked on or after 7th march'19, the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of less than Rs.2 Cr as on the date of booking the deposit. Prior to this the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of less than Rs.1 Cr as on the date of booking the deposit.

  13. The deposits in the Bank are insured with DICGC for an amount of Rs 5 lakhs (principal + interest) per depositor 

  14. All other terms and conditions as applicable to Fixed Deposit shall remain unchanged and the same shall be applicable to the SureCover fixed deposit too.

  15. Please refer website for detailed terms and conditions