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Checked Baggage Insurance

Checked Baggage Insurance

Applies, if the insured is travelling on tour and or on holidays in all places Outside India (internationally) to the extent of the intrinsic value of the accompanied personal baggage belonging to the card holder so lost because of fire, theft burglary and accident to the travelling vehicle.

For any claims under the Loss of Checked Baggage Insurance to be accepted and processed, the Cardholder should have carried out at least one purchase transaction using the Debit Card, within 3 months prior to the event date.

In order to claim the Fire and Burglary / Checked Baggage Insurance, the cardholder needs to submit below mentioned documents within 30 days from the date of event, at any nearest HDFC Bank branch. The branch would guide the customer further on the process to be followed.

  • FIR
  • Documentary evidence of the value of the loss of the article

We would also like to inform you that acknowledgement of insurance claim by HDFC Bank is not an admission of liability. The claim received by HDFC Bank will be processed & investigated by the Insurance Co. & their decision will be final & binding. HDFC Bank will not be liable for the decision taken by the Insurance Co.

*Terms & Conditions as per Cardholder's agreement applicable.