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Staying home is safe and with us, so are your savings!

Staying home is safe and with us, so are your savings!

Invest with India's No 1* Bank

In these uncertain times, we are always here to help you secure and grow your savings.

We are also happy to inform you that Standard & Poors (S&P), renowned global rating agency, has reaffirmed its international rating for HDFC Bank at BBB-/A3 with a stable outlook.

Now with HDFC Bank, get started with your investment online from the safety of your home.

Explore our options:

Fixed Deposit
Enjoy attractive interest rates with assured returns.

Convenience of booking a deposit via NetBanking
Check rates

The all-in-one digital investment platform with an Ai-based goal planner to help achieve your financial goals easily. 
Investing as easy and swift as online shopping.
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Open a DigiDemat and Trading Account online from the convenience of your home.
Invest in equity funds, debt funds, floating rate debt or balanced funds to grow your wealth in a secure way.
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Stay home. Bank digitally from home.

*Based on Retail Loan book size (excluding mortgages). Source: Annual Reports FY 18-19 and No.1 on market capitalisation based on BSE data as on 31 Dec, 2019