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5 Tips on How to Prevent Ransomware Attack

Ransomware is a kind of malware attack, in which, you are denied access to the data on your computer. The data often gets locked, typically by encryption and a payment is demanded before the ransomed data is decrypted and you can access it again.  Attackers mostly do it for extracting money from the attacked individual. But, with careful planning and prevention you can combat ransomware and save your data and money from being lost.

Here is how-

  • Install an Anti-Malware
    An Anti-Malware software can secure your system from unknown cyber fraudsters who can claim access to your data and demand ransom in return of granting you access back to your data. Install a good Anti Malware to protect yourself from the perils of data theft and ransomware in the long run.
  • Have a Back-up
    Ensure you have an offline data backup of all your necessary documents and information. Check your backup on a regular basis and update them if necessary so that all your data is up-to-date, and you don’t find yourself in a fix even if you are subject to a ransomware attack.
  • Keep your software updated
    Ensure that your operating software and mobile applications are up to date. Updates bring with them greater security fixes and as such, makes your system stronger and less vulnerable to attacks. Therefore, making sure that all your software and applications are regularly updated and upgraded will keep your system safe.
  • Be careful where you click
    Ransomware attacks can be distributed in phony online ads, email links, social media messages and even via text messages. Do not respond to messages from strangers or click on links in spam emails. Your conscious and careful online behaviour is the first step towards preventing ransomware attacks.
  • Stay Aware
    Cybercrooks are always looking for new ways to trick us out of money and information.  You should always try to stay informed about the latest ransomware attacks and how to avoid them

