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How to Check Sukanya Samriddhi Account Balance Online?

If you have a daughter who is aged less than 10 years, it is best to sign up for a Sukanya Samruddhi Yojana Account. You can easily apply for this account in a few easy steps.

This account comes with an attractive rate of interest and multiple tax benefits like tax-free interest income and maturity amount as well as tax deductions under section 80C.

According to the scheme rules, it is mandatory to make a deposit every financial year until 15 years from opening the Account, failing which your account will fall into ‘Account under default’. To avoid such scenarios, here’s how you can check your SSY account balance from time to time.

Authorised banks and post offices offer SSY Accounts. On opening an SSY account, you are provided with a passbook. This Passbook is a record of your deposit transactions and your details. 

You can deposit cheque, demand draft or through online banking. If you have opened an SSY Account with one of the 25 authorised banks, you can provide standing instructions to your bank for automatic credit to SSY account through online banking. 

You can open a Sukanya Samriddhi account in any authorised Bank Branch of a post office branch. You can also set it up online with the help of your NetBanking facility. 

Documents you require to open Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Account are:

1.SSY account opening form
2.Beneficiary’s birth certificate 
3.Address proof of the guardian or parents of the heir 
4.ID proof of the guardian or parents of the beneficiary
5.Two photos of the beneficiary

Opening a Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna Account, is easy. Contact your closest HDFC Bank Branch, to open an account now!