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Mobile Sound-based payments

Make mobile payments without the internet

Introducing hi-tech sound wave-based payment technology

Looking for a secure, high-tech payment system?

Opt for payment apps that use sound waves.

HDFC Bank’s UltraCash is the first such app in India.

Such payments are called sound-based payments, contactless payments or proximity payments.

Here is what you need to know about sound-based payment technology.

How it works

The app uses high-frequency ultrasound waves for data transfer between mobile phones.

Since data is transferred through sound waves, internet is not needed.

Make payments by bringing your mobile phone near the merchant device.

How to use

Download a sound-based payments app, such as HDFC Bank’s UltraCash.

Link your bank account to the app.

Set up M-PIN.

At merchant, open the app and enter your passcode.

Take your phone near the merchant device.

Enter your 4 digit M-PIN upon receiving the invoice.

Your payment is complete.

Security features

The app does not store your personal information.

Sound waves are encrypted from end to end to enhance security.

Your account is automatically cancelled if you lose your phone.

There are special mechanisms to handle relay- and middleman-related attacks.

Benefits to customers

Enjoy safe and secure transactions.

Get freedom from credit cards, debit cards and cash.

Benefit from ultra-fast payments in less than five seconds.

Benefits to merchants

Enjoy low Merchant Discount Rates (MDR).

Save on setup and ownership costs, as you only need a smartphone with app.

Receive payments instantly.

Where to use

Use sound-based payments apps to pay easily at restaurants, retail stores and electronics stores.

