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How to Use Mobile Banking App?

It’s hard these days to find someone who doesn’t own a smartphone. It’s a phone, a music system, a video player, a camera, a library and even a bank… all in one small device that fits in your pocket. No wonder than most people feel lost without them.

We all know what Mobile Banking is – practically everyone uses it these days. But did you know how to use Mobile Banking properly? Are you aware of the many things you can do with that handy app that you have in your mobile? If not, here’s a primer on the myriad things you can do with a Mobile Banking app.

The ABCs of mobile phone apps

  • Checking your balance: Well, this is one of the basic things that many people use a Mobile Banking app for. Has that salary arrived in my account yet? Do I have enough money in my account to last the month? Of course, these are important things, and it’s always a good idea to know about them quickly through your mobile phone app to prevent panic attacks.
  • Funds transfer: Want to transfer money to your folks back home? No worries – the mobile phone app will allow you to do that in a variety of ways like Immediate Payment (IMPS), National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) You can also use apps like UPI linked to your bank that allow you to transfer funds quickly and easily.
  • Pay your bills: There were days when you had to go to an office to pay your electricity bill. You had to write out a cheque, wait in line, and hand it over to the cashier along with the bill – and waste the better part of the day. That’s all history now. All you need now is log into your mobile phone app and pay the bill – it’s over in just seconds! Even better, you can leave standing instructions to pay bills automatically whenever they come – for power, water, gas, mobile phone etc.
  • Recharge your mobile phone: No problems -- the mobile app will do that for you.
  • Open a fixed deposit: You don’t have to keep cash balances lying in your Savings Account for long. Your mobile phone app will allow you to open a Fixed Deposit in no time at all. You can thus maximise your returns and move funds to an FD whenever they come into your account.
  • Investments: You can check your share portfolio instantly by looking at your Demat Account through the mobile app. You can even purchase Mutual Funds and insurance products!
  • Cheques: You can make various service requests like for a new chequebook etc. You can also stop payments if you feel that you have issued a cheque wrongly.
  • Check credit card transactions: You can check Credit Card transactions and pay your bills too

The Mobile Banking app is a modern marvel, and you should make full use of it. This is what is Mobile Banking, in the truest sense! Some Mobile Banking apps even offer you the options of making train and airline bookings, hotel reservations and so on -- the possibilities are indeed endless.

How to use Mobile Banking?

To use mobile banking, all you need to do is follow these simple steps:

  • You need to activate the app by following a few steps. Some banks allow the customer to set a mobile banking PIN, while others send a default MPIN as an SMS. The mobile banking PIN must be entered each time you wish to access the mobile banking services.
  • After activation of the account and entering the mobile banking PIN, you need to use your net banking log-in id and password to access the account.

Each bank has different security features to ensure that you have a safe, secure and hassle-free mobile banking experience. There may be added authentications such as OTP, grid-based authentication, etc. to carry out mobile banking transactions safely and securely. HDFC Bank Mobile Banking App includes all of these features and ensures you have a safe and convenient mobile banking experience.

Want to know more about Mobile Banking technology? Click here to get started!


* The information provided in this article is generic in nature and for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for specific advice in your own circumstances.