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How to Track Credit Card Application Status?

Credit Cards have become the norm globally, with almost every individual having at least one or in some cases, multiple Credit Cards to better manage their income and expenses.

If you are yet to apply for a Credit Card, you could look at the bank websites such as HDFC Bank to check the varied card offerings available and apply with the necessary documents. Given the wide variety of offerings, read here on how to choose the right Credit Card for you.

Once you apply for a card with the Bank, there are multiple avenues available to check Credit Card application status.

However, before you check your Credit Card application status, you should keep the following information ready:

  • Credit Card application number
  • Credit Card Reference Number (If applicable)
  • PAN Card/ Mobile Number
  • Date of Birth

Most of the banks use a combination of this information to authenticate that the person checking the Credit Card application status is the applicant or a genuine, reliable user.

In the past, when Credit Cards were still a novelty, there was never visibility on means available for Credit Card tracking. However, with the advent of banks going digital, they have used technology to track Credit Card application status as well. If earlier tracking Credit Card Application status often meant multiple visits to a bank and chasing relationship managers for updates, now the answer to “How to track Credit Card Application Status” is available at the click of a button

Today,  a user can track their Credit Card application status irrespective of their location without wasting time, energy, and efforts on physically heading over to the Bank. You could Track your Credit Card application through any of the means below

  • Credit Card Application Status Online using NetBanking account

Most bank websites offer a link directly to Credit Card tracking status, which is found either in the Track Application Status where you need to go in and select “Track My Credit Card Application” or in other cases; you could find a tracking option available in the cards section.

Once you reach the Cards section, a form opens up requesting you to enter either Credit Card Application/ Reference Number, Mobile Number or Date of Birth/ PAN Card depending on your bank processes. There might be a field to enter captcha to check authenticity. Enter the relevant details and click on Check Credit Card Application Status to know the current status.

Once approved, the Bank dispatches the card to your registered mailing address within a couple of working days.

  • Offline via Bank’s Customer Care Representatives

    If you do not want to check the Credit Card application status online, the second best method is to call up the bank customer care representatives to track Credit Card status.

    The representative would ask you for identification purposes that application number/ reference number, mobile number, and date of birth and check the system for the current status and let you know.

  • Offline via SMS Alerts

    If you have registered yourself for SMS Banking, you could also SMS to know the current Credit Card application status for next steps.

    Most banks send SMS alerts once the Credit Card is dispatched. You can get information about the delivery agent/courier and the Airway Bill (or Tracking) number.

    In these cases as well, once the Credit Card is approved, the card is dispatched to the customer’s registered mailing address.

  • Offline by visiting the nearest branch 

    If you have access to a nearby bank branch, you could always visit the branch with your application details to check Credit Card application status with the branch representative directly.

    The bank representative could then immediately check their system and update you on the Credit Card status.

    Most of the bank services and solutions have been designed and customised, keeping end customers in mind.

    Tracking Credit Card application status has never been more accessible with the network of banking institutions empowered with technology offering convenience, efficiency, and security.

Already applied for a HDFC Bank Credit Card? Track your Credit Card application status here.

  • To apply for a new HDFC Bank Credit Card, click here.

Owning your first Credit Card? Know these Credit Card rules, to stay safe.

Apply for Credit card and enjoy special privileges and cashback offers with HDFC Bank​​​​​​​

* Terms & conditions apply. Credit Card approvals are at sole discretion of HDFC Bank Ltd. The information provided in this article is generic in nature and for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for specific advice in your own circumstances.