5 Instant Money Loans You Need To Know About

Life is unpredictable, with unforeseen circumstances and associated expenses cropping up often. In such circumstances, you might not have funds readily available. To meet such financial challenges head-on, you can rely on money lenders like banks to assist in the form of Instant Loans. To learn more, read on.

What are Instant Loans?

As the name suggests, Instant Loans are financial aids that you can avail of in a quick time frame. These loans require minimal documentation or showcasing of assets. You can apply for a Personal Loan with much ease as compared to other loans. Not only can you apply for an Instant Loan within minutes, but they are approved faster than other loans, as well. However, they are short-term loans, and thus the EMIs payable will be higher.

Which Loans Can You Get Instantly?

1.     Business Loans: While running or operating a business, you require funds constantly. Whether to handle the operational costs for capital purposes or expand the business, you require financial assistance. A Business Loan can help you meet such expenses and ensure your enterprise's smooth continuation or expansion. You can avail of a Business Loan from money lenders without pledging any assets at attractive interest rates.

2.     Collateral-Free Loans: You can apply for a Collateral-Free Loan, wherein you need to provide no security or collateral as a guarantee to a money lender. These loans are perfect in situations wherein you cannot provide collateral or do not have the time to do so. For instance, you can borrow money to pay off urgent medical bills, educational fees, refinance needs, or capital requirements for MSMEs.

3.     Term Loans: Term Loans are loans extended to borrowers against specific borrowing terms. When you opt for a Term Loan, you agree to pay a fixed amount over a decided period to the moneylender. The interest applied can be fixed or floating. Since almost all the variables, such as loan amount, tenure, interest, etc., are pre-determined, these loans are approved and disbursed quickly. You can choose between a Short-Term, Intermediate-Term, or Long-Term Loan depending on your requirements.

4.     Machinery Loans: As a business owner, you must allow finances to purchase or update the machinery required for operational purposes. Machines need to be changed or updated to keep up with technological advances or handle wear and tear. Banks provide Machinery Loans for this purpose. You can avail of such loans with or without offering collateral and apply easily through digital means.

5.     Personal Loans: Personal Loans are a versatile financial aid option, and you can use them for various purposes. While other loans are generally disbursed for specific needs, you can utilise a Personal Loan to meet any financial requirement you wish to handle. You can avail of a Personal Loan easily, without providing any collateral. Usually, you can apply for a Personal Loan online without providing ample documentation. They are disbursed quickly and are a popular means of organising funds in a quick time frame.

Out of all the Instant Loans available, Personal Loans remain an appealing option to most. Since they can be tailor-made to meet your requirements, they are a popular choice. HDFC Bank offers Personal Loans that can be applied for easily and are disbursed rapidly. Click here to apply for an HDFC Bank Personal Loan.

Looking to apply for a Personal Loan? Here are a few things to keep in mind while applying for a Personal Loan.

*Terms and conditions apply. Personal Loan at the sole discretion of HDFC Bank Limited. Loan disbursal is subject to documentation and verification as per Banks requirement. The information provided in this article is generic in nature and for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for specific advice in your own circumstances.