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Verified By Visa/ MasterCard SecureCode

Be safe against fraud with a unique online password

Verified By Visa/ MasterCard SecureCode

About Verified by Visa / MasterCard SecureCode

The OTP Checkout facility provides a higher level of protection for your online transactions with two-factor authentication. What this means is that when you use your HDFC Bank Credit or Debit Card for an online transaction, a one-time password is sent to your registered mobile number. You must enter this password on the merchant site to complete the transaction. This ensures that your Credit or Debit Card cannot be misused.

Features of Verified by Visa / MasterCard SecureCode

Verified By Visa/ MasterCard SecureCode provides an added layer of protection when you shop online by asking you to confirm every transaction with a password you have created.

You can also avoid becoming a victim of phising attacks by creating a unique personal message that you must confirm during every transaction.

Verified By Visa and MasterCard SecureCode are currently free services for all HDFC Bank Visa and Mastercard credit and debit card customers.