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Unified Payments Interface Frequently Asked Questions

Unified Payments Interface Frequently Asked Questions

1.  What is UPI?

Unified Payment Interface (UPI) is a smartphone enabled fund transfer for participating bank customers to pay/ receive money using a unique UPI ID

2.  How long does it take for the money to get credited into the beneficiary account?
 For successful transactions, funds get credited into the beneficiary's account instantaneously.

3.  Do I need to register for UPI facility? 
, you can register for UPI through the HDFC Banking MobileBanking App available on Google Playstore & iOS.

4.  What is UPI ID? 
UPI ID is an id which is uniquely linked to your bank account and can be used to send or receive payments through UPI. 
e.g. abc@hdfcbank where "abc" can be your mobile number.

5.  Can I register for UPI without seeding my mobile no. in the bank account? 
UPI ID are linked to your registered mobile no. in the bank account.

6.  Can I send money to someone who is not registered on UPI?
Yes. Payment can be made via IFSC/ Account number or MMID/ Mobile number of the beneficiary.

7.  What is the current limit for sending money through UPI?

The maximum limit of P2P UPI transaction is Rs 1 lakh or 20 transactions per bank account within 24 hours basis. 

Please note: For 1st time UPI users, transaction limit is up to Rs 5000 within 24 hours from 1st UPI transaction.​​​​​​​

8. Can I apply for an IPO using UPI ID of HDFC Mobile Banking App (eg: abc@hdfcbank)?  
No. Currently IPO application using HDFC Mobile Banking App (eg: abc@hdfcbank)? is not supported, however you can apply IPO via our partner app Google Pay by linking HDFC Bank account.

9.  How can I apply in IPO via UPI?

  • Register on Google Pay & link your HDFC Bank Account with okhdfcbank handle
  • Enter your UPI ID in the IPO application form and submit it
  • Approve the notification in the Google pay app to block the amount for IPO
  • On allotment of the shares, the money is automatically debited from this blocked amount

10.  How can I set a default bank account to pay or receive money via UPI
Go to ‘BHIM HDFC Bank’ >> Click on ‘Add Account’ >> Select Bank account 
Please note: the last account added by the customer will become the default account for pay/ receive money.

11.  Where can I see my UPI transactions?
You can view your past transactions under the ‘Transaction History’ tab under ‘UPI Payments’. This will also reflect in NetBanking & Bank Statement.

12.  Are there any charges for UPI transactions? 
Click here to know about UPI charges

13.  Can I put a stop payment request for funds transferred by UPI?
No, once payment is initiated, it cannot be stopped.

14.  How can I raise a dispute for a particular UPI transaction?
You can go to ‘Transaction History’ and click on ‘Raise Dispute’ option & select the dispute type

15.  Can I transfer money abroad using UPI?
No, you cannot transfer money abroad through this option

16.  Can I link my NRE/NRO Account under UPI?
Yes, you can link the NRE/NRO account on UPI however the registered mobile number must be from an Indian service provider & without the prefix 91.

17.  Can I de-active/ de-register from UPI?
HDFC Bank customers can Go to the ‘UPI Payments’ option in their MobileBanking App > Click on ‘View Profile’ > Click on ‘De-register’
Please note : Once the UPI ID is de-registered the same UPI ID cannot be retrieved or re-used.

18.  If the transaction has failed due to technical reasons either at the Bank’s or NPCI’s end will I get any compensation in the form of Loss of Interest?
No. If the transaction has failed / timed out / declined due to technical reasons, Bank shall not bear any liability to compensate the same in the form of interest or actual amount sent to the Beneficiary.

19. I am getting Validation Error while registering UPI on HDFC Bank Mobile Banking App

As per the NPCI directives, UPI registration needs to be completed within 30 seconds. Validation error is received if it takes more than 30 seconds to register. Hence we request you to complete entire registration process within 30 seconds.

As an alternative, you can also use following Apps from Google Play store/App store which are powered by HDFC Bank:

  • Google Pay (handle – okhdfcbank)
  • Mobikwik (handle – ikwik)
  • Whtasapp pay (handle - wahdfcbank)

20. I am getting ‘Technical Error Occurred’ in HDFC Bank Mobile banking app.

Currently HDFC Mobile Banking App is not supporting UPI registration for Android phone users having Mobile Phone’s Operating System as Version 10. As an alternative, you can also use following Apps from Google Play store/App store which are powered by HDFC Bank:

  • Google Pay (handle – okhdfcbank)
  • Mobikwik (handle – ikwik)​​​​​​​
  • Whtasapp pay (handle - wahdfcbank)

21. I am not able to use UPI services post updating Mobile number

Post mobile number updation, please reset UPI PIN from the registered mobile number using the last 6 digits of the Debit Card, Expiry, Debit Card Pin & OTP on any UPI App of his choice. Reset UPI Pin will be available on UPI enabled 3rd party apps under Forgot UPI Pin option.

Eg:- For Google Pay:

On Android:
1. Click on the right hand top profile option
2. Click on the account from which the payment is to be made.
3. Again click on the account from which the payment is to be made.
4. Click Forgot UPI Pin
5. Enter last 6 digits of the linked debit card & expiry
6. Enter OTP & Debit Card Pin
7. Choose 4 digit UPI Pin > Confirm UPI Pin.

On iOS (iPhone)
1. Click on the left hand top profile option
2. Click on the account under Bank accounts
3. Again click on the account
4. Click on Forgot UPI Pin
5. Enter last 6 digits of the linked debit card & expiry
6. Enter OTP & Debit Card Pin
7. Choose 4 digit UPI Pin > Confirm UPI Pin.

22. I am getting ‘Error - Transaction Limit Exceeded’:

The maximum limit of UPI transaction is Rs 1 lakh or 20 transactions per bank account within 24 hours.

Please note: New UPI users of each UPI enabled App or users who have changed their device / sim card / mobile number can transact only upto Rs 5,000/- for the first 24 hours on Android phone & 72 hours for iPhone users.

23. Can I link my current (Non- Individual) account in UPI.

UPI in non-individual current account is not allowed via App mode i.e. via Google Pay, BHIM, Mobikwik etc. Please enabled UPI services via merchant onboarding process.

24. I am able to receive money via UPI but not able to send money.

Please check if you have blocked UPI services in the past due to Fraud/suspected fraud, if yes, please approach to nearest branch for UPI Unblocking.

25. What should I do to avoid frauds on my UPI account?

Do not share your personal details to received money or to claim rewards of any amount.

26. What is considered as sharing personal information

Following actions done while receiving money/reward/cashback are considered as sharing of personal information.

  • Sharing / Inputting your PIN/OTP
  • Scanning the QR code
  • Clicking on random SMS link sent for receiving money/reward/cashback
  • Giving remote access of your phone to anyone
  • Accepting the collect request by Inputting PIN

27. What is Request money option?

Request Money is used to request money from opposite party. Accepting a request money request means you are accepting the request to pay the opposite party. So if you put validate the request by putting your PIN, it will debit the money from your account.

28. My UPI transaction was declined because of an incorrect UPI PIN.

Your UPI PIN is a unique number you set while registering for the UPI App post adding your bank account. Please remember this number, as you will need to enter it whenever you have to make any debit UPI transaction. If you enter the incorrect UPI PIN, the transaction will be declined.

29. My UPI transaction declined because of an Insufficient balance

If you try to debit an amount more than the balance in your bank account, your UPI transaction will be declined because you don't have enough money. You can check your account balance before doing any debit transaction, to avoid hindrance of transaction getting declined

30. What will happen if I put the wrong beneficiary details while making a UPI transaction?

Suppose you enter incorrect beneficiary details and validate the transaction with your UPI PIN; the transaction will go through if the beneficiary account is active.

Always check and verify the beneficiary details before validating UPI PIN for any debit UPI transaction.

31. I have Exceeded the maximum number of incorrect Pin Tries.

Every customer gets 3 attempts to input the correct UPI PIN. If you enter the wrong UPI PIN three consecutive times, your account will get blocked for next 24 hours for any debit UPI transactions. However, credit transactions can still happen. You can reset your UPI PIN immediately to continue to perform debit UPI transactions OR if UPI PIN not reset then after 24 hours, you will be able to do debit transaction using old UPI PIN

32. What do I do when my UPI transaction has failed but my bank account has been debited? 

If money has been debited, wait for some time; it should be reversed in 24-48 hrs. If not reversed, then you may reach out to your issuing bank.

33. How will I know if the UPI ID provided by the receiver is correct? 

UPI ID, when entered by the customer on any app, gets verified, and you get to see the customer name "xxxx". With this, you can verify if you are sending money to the correct person or not.

34. Who is eligible for using UPI?

Anyone with an active Bank A/c, linked mobile number and an active Debit card or Credit card, can use UPI.

35. If I delete/uninstall HDFC Mobile Banking from my phone by mistake, will I have to register again?

If you have just deleted/ uninstalled the app, then you have to do the device-binding again to get your UPI ID.

36. What if I change my mobile handset and want to use UPI on the new device with the same number?

You have to re-register for UPI on that device with a mobile number (same or different).

37. How many accounts can be added to receive money?

There is no limit to the addition of bank A/Cs in UPI.