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Acceptance of Reward Points Conversion and Terms & Conditions

Acceptance of Reward Points Conversion and Terms & Conditions

  • Card Upgrade Offer is sanctioned at the sole discretion of HDFC Bank Ltd subject to the customer fulfilling
    all the necessary and sufficient criteria as decided by the bank at the time of processing.
  • Only Select HDFC Bank Credit Card Customers are eligible for limit enhancement/card upgrade/both. HDFC
    Bank reserves the right to decide the eligibility as per internal policy/guidelines. HDFC Bank reserves the
    right to withdraw the offer to the customer at any time as deemed right by the bank.
  • Reward Points on your current credit card will be transferred to the upgraded credit card as per the below
    conversion ratio. I understand and accept the reward point conversion. Value of the Reward Points remains
    the same.

From Credit Card
Master Card World
/ Freedom
Diners Premium /
Diners Club Miles
/ Diners Privilege
/ Regalia
Moneyback /
Solitaire /
Regalia First / Diners
Rewardz / All Miles
To Infinia/Diners Black10%20%100%15%50%25%30%

  • Card Upgrade Offer is sanctioned at the sole discretion of HDFC Bank Ltd subject to the customer fulfilling
    all the necessary and sufficient criteria as decided by the bank at the time of processing.
  • On card upgrade, the existing card features will become invalid and the features of the upgraded card will
    apply. Credit card once upgraded cannot be downgraded / transferred back to the old credit card variant.
    Credit card once upgraded with prior customer consent cannot be re-instated to the old credit card number.
    Once upgraded, transactions done on the old credit card will reflect in the new card statement.
  • On card upgrade, the new card will be sent to the address registered as per HDFC Bank Credit Card records.
    The bank will not be responsible for non-receipt or delay in delivery due to non-availability of the customer
    at the time of delivery. Nothing contained herein shall prejudice or affect the terms and conditions of the
    card member agreement. HDFC Bank cannot be held responsible for financial/non-financial obligation
    caused due to withdrawal of offer or non-implementation of upgrade.
  • HDFC Bank reserves the right at any time, without previous notice, to add, alter, modify, change or vary all
    or any of these terms and conditions or to replace wholly or in part this scheme by another offer, whether
    similar to the offer or not, or to withdraw it all together. I will not hold HDFC Bank responsible for, or liable
    for, any actions, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, charges, expenses, which a participant may suffer,
    sustain or incur by the Offer. All disputes, if any, arising out of or in connection with or as result of the Offer
    or otherwise relating hereto shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Courts/Tribunals
    in Chennai only.
  • I/We acknowledge the exercise of authority by the bank is for my/our benefit and service, accordingly I/We
    waive the privilege of privacy and privity of contract."