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ABSLI Cancer Shield Plan

Stay financially protected against cancer

ABSLI Cancer Shield Plan

All You Need To Know


Covers all stages of Cancer i.e. Early Stage of Cancer and Major Stage of Cancer


Age Limit

Entry age from 18 to 65 years and maximum age at maturity is 75 years 

Policy Term

Minimum 5 years to maximum 20 years 

Sum Assured

Minimum ₹ 10 lakhs to maximum ₹ 50 lakhs


Pay your premium annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly

Sum Assured

Sum Assured on illness is:

 10 times the annual premium;or

 105% of all the premiums paid till the date of a valid claim; or

 Minimum guaranteed sum assured on maturity; or

 Effective Sum Assured 

Policy Benefit

 Early Stage of Cancer - On diagnosis of Early Stage of Cancer, receive 30% of the Sum Assured on illness

 Major Stage of Cancer - At the Major Stage of Cancer, receive 100% of the Sum Assured on Illness less any previously paid claim for Early Stage of Cancer.


Monthly Income

Option to receive monthly income for 5 policy years on diagnosis of major stage of cancer


Waiver of premium for 5 years on diagnosis of early stage of cancer

Tax Benefit

Tax benefits under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961