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Tata AIA Life Insurance Value Income Plan

Individual, Non-Linked, Participating Life Insurance Savings Plan

Tata AIA Life Insurance Value Income Plan

All You Need To Know

TATA AIA Life Insurance Value Income Plan (UIN: 110N153V02)

Individual, Non-Linked, Participating Life Insurance Savings Plan

Every individual has different needs at different stages of life. At Tata AIA Life, we believe in protecting your dreams at various stages of life without compromising on your needs through financial resources. You do not have to think twice to live your dreams.

We present to you, Tata AIA Life Insurance Value Income Plan, a limited pay participating plan insurance plan which provides you option either to receive cash bonus (if declared) payout every year on your birthday from second policy year onwards to take care of your financials commitments or accumulate these cash bonuses (if declared) at a company declared interest rate for creating bigger corpus for a stress free life.

Salient Features:

  • Flexibility to choose plan option

- Endowment; or

- Endowment with extended life cover till Age 100

  • Receive Cash Bonus (if declared) or Accumulate cash bonuses (if declared) payable at maturity.
  • Avail Cash Bonus (if declared) from the end of 2nd policy year on each birthday till the policy term
  • Receive Guaranteed Maturity Benefit with bonuses (if any) on maturity
  • Flexibility of multiple Policy Term & Premium Payment Term
  • Enhance your protection with optional Riders; and
  • Receive tax benefits u/s 80C and 10(10D), as per the applicable Income Tax laws


  • This product is underwritten by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd.
  • Insurance cover is available under this product.
  • This plan is not a guaranteed issuance plan and it will be subject to Company’s underwriting and acceptance.
  • This product brochure should be read along with Benefit Illustration.
  • Risk cover commences along with policy commencement for all lives, including minor lives.
  • Buying a Life Insurance Policy is a long-term commitment. An early termination of the Policy usually involves high costs and the Surrender Value payable may be less than the all the Premiums Paid.
  • In case of non-standard lives and on submission of non-standard age proof, extra premiums will be charged as per our underwriting guidelines.
  • Income Tax benefits would be available as per the prevailing income tax laws, subject to fulfillment of conditions stipulated therein. Income Tax laws are subject to change from time to time. Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. does not assume responsibility on tax implication mentioned anywhere in this document. Please consult your own tax consultant to know the tax benefits available to you.
  • HDFC Bank Limited (4621612) (IRDAI Registration No: CA0010) is the Corporate Agent of Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited and does not underwrite the risk or act as an insurer. HDFC Bank Limited, HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai - 400 013. Participation by the Bank’s clients in the Insurance products is purely on a voluntary basis. The contract of Insurance is between Tata AIA Life and the Insured and not between HDFC Bank and the Insured.
  • Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited (IRDAI Regn. No.110 • CIN: U66010MH2000PLC128403). Registered & Corporate Office: 14th Floor, Tower A, Peninsula Business Park, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400013. Trade logo displayed above belongs to Tata Sons Ltd and AIA Group Ltd. and is used by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd under a license. For any information including cancellation, claims and complaints, please contact our Insurance Advisor / Intermediary or visit Tata AIA Lifes nearest branch office or call 1-860-266-9966 (local charges apply) or write to us at Visit us at: L&C/Advt/2023/Oct/3404

“As per recent changes in section 10(10D) of Income Tax Act, where the amount of aggregate annual premium payable in the financial year in case of Traditional plans (all non-unit linked plans except Annuity, Pension and Pure Risk Plans) issued on or after 1st April 2023 exceeding INR 5,00,000 the benefits of the policy/policies shall not be eligible for exemption under section 10(10D) except in case of death”. The customer is requested to seek advice of a tax advisor with respect to his/her personal tax liabilities under the Indian Income-tax law."


IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums. Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police complaint


  • What are the two plan options available in Value Income Plan (VIP)?
    • Option 1: Endowment
    • Option 2: Endowment with Extended Life Cover (ELC) till age 100

  • What is the Min. and Max. entry age?
    30 days (subject to minimum age at maturity is 18 years)
    • 55 years for 5 PPT
    • 58 years for 6 PPT
    • 62 years for 7 PPT
    • 65 years for 8 to 15 PPT

  • What are the different Premium Payment Terms (PPT)  and Policy Terms (PT) available?
    PPT - 5 to 15 Years
    PT - 10 to 40 Years
    Minimum Policy term chosen can be PPT+5 years

  • What is the Guaranteed* Benefit?
    Basic Sum Assured on Maturity is the Guaranteed* Benefit in VIP.

    Basic Sum Assured = (Base Premium / Base Premium Rate per 1000 Basic Sum Assured) X 100

    *Provided all due premiums are paid and the policy is in force

  • What is the Survival Benefit?
    In case Cash Bonus is opted:
    Cash Bonus, expressed as % of Basic Sum Assured, may be declared every year starting from the 2nd policy year till the end of the Policy Term.

    In case Accumulated Cash Bonus is opted:
    • Any declared Cash bonus is not paid to the policyholder and instead gets vested at policy anniversary and subsequently gets accumulated at a non-participating accumulation rate.
    • The Accumulated Cash Bonus, if declared is payable at Death/Surrender/Maturity.
    The non-participating annual accumulation rate declared shall be 10 year G-sec less 2% as on 31st March of every year. The 10 year G-Sec shall be sourced from Financial Benchmark India Ltd.

  • When can the Cash Bonus be received?
    At inception, the policyholder can choose if he wants to take cash bonus, if declared each year on policy anniversary or on his/her birthday following the second policy anniversary.
    In case the policyholder chooses to take the cash bonus, if declared on birthday:
    • Cash bonus pay-out, if declared for the last year shall be made along with maturity benefit and not on birthday of the policyholder.
    • Amount shall be payable any time within the week preceding the birthday of the policyholder.

  • What will be the Maturity Benefit?
    Provided the policy is in force and all due premiums have been paid, the following benefits shall be payable at maturity:

    In case Cash Bonus is opted:
    • Guaranteed* Maturity Benefit
    • Terminal Bonus, if declared

    In case Accumulated Cash Bonus is opted:
    • Accumulated Cash Bonus, if declared
    • Guaranteed* Maturity Benefit
    • Terminal Bonus, if declared

    Further, in case policyholder has opted for ELC, survival benefit equal to BSA is payable on life insured attaining age 100 years and the policy is terminated. No bonuses shall be payable during ELC period.
    The company may decide to pay terminal bonus if declared on Death/Surrender/Maturity of the policy. The terminal bonus, if declared, expressed as % of Basic Sum Assured may be payable after the completion of PPT or 5 policy years whichever is earlier as on date of exit.

    *Provided all due premiums are paid and the policy is in force

  • What is the Extended Life Cover (ELC)?
    Under plan Extended Life Cover (ELC) Option, at inception, the policyholder has an option to opt for extended life cover till age 100 years. Under this option, there will be two payouts of Basic Sum Assured:
    • First payout is on maturity
    • Second payout shall be payable upon the death of the life insured during ELC period or upon the life insured surviving to 100 years of age, whichever is earlier.

    No bonuses are payable during the ELC period

  • What is the Equity exposure limit of the VIP Par Fund?
    Equity Exposure of Par Fund in VIP is upto 30% which gives the potential to earn higher returns.

  • Can policy loan be availed?
    Yes. Provided that the policy acquires Surrender Value, policyholders may apply for a Policy Loan for such an amount within the extent of 80% of Surrender Value.

  • Can riders be attached with the plan?
    Comprehensive Protection Riders (CPR) available
    • Accidental Death Benefit (ADB)
    • Accidental Total and Permanent Disability (ATPD)
    • Term and Terminal Illness (TTI)
    Comprehensive Health Riders (CHR) available
    • CritiCare Plus Benefit (CPB)
    • HospiCare Benefit (HCB)