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Aditya Birla Activ Health Enhanced Plan

Activ Health Platinum Enhanced plan provides you protection along with customizable features and unique benefits to suit all your medical needs

Aditya Birla Activ Health Enhanced Plan



  • Comprehensive range of Sum Insured from 2 Lac to 2 Crores
  • Choice of Hospital Room category from shared, single to any room
  • Coverage for hospitalization, pre and post hospitalization, day care expenses and more
  • Reload of Sum Insured for an unrelated illness
  • Rewards to stay fit and healthy in the form of HealthReturnsTM
  • Day 1 cover for chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and asthma
  • Health check-up for all adults each year irrespective of claim status
  • Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services to keep you safe when you travel
  • Policy term options of 1, 2 or 3 years
  • Discount of 7.5% and 10% on 2 and 3-year policy terms respectively
  • Family discount of 10% on covering more than one member in an individual policy
  • Cashless treatment at network hospitals
  • Life-long renewability, subject to regular receipt of premiums by Us.
  • Tax benefits under 80D of Income Tax Act*

*Tax benefit are subject to changes in tax laws. Please consult your tax advisor for more details.

Product Features


Sum Insured

Rs 3 Lac, 4 Lac, 5 Lac, 6 Lac, 7 Lac, 8 Lac, 9 Lac, 10 Lac, 15 Lac, 20 Lac, 25 Lac, 30 Lac, 40 Lac, 50 Lac, 100 Lac, 150 Lac, 200 Lac

In-patient Hospitalization -

For hospitalization for more than 24 hours, we will cover expenses like room rent, operation theatre expenses and other consumables as per your eligibility. You also have a choice to select your hospital room category from :
a) Any room (Available for Sum Insured > 7 Lacs)
b) Single Private Room
c) Shared Room (available for Sum Insured's < 5 Lacs)

Pre-hospitalization Medical Expenses

Costs up to 60 days before your hospitalization will be covered where the hospitalisation claim is accepted by the company.

Post-hospitalization Medical Expenses

Costs up to 180 days after your discharge from the hospital will be covered where the hospitalisation claim is accepted by the company.

Day care Treatment

We will cover you for 527 day care procedures

Domiciliary Hospitalization

We will cover your medical expenses up to Sum Insured in case you need to get treated at home, if your health condition did not allow hospital transfer or due to unavailability of a bed at the hospital.

Road Ambulance Cover

We will cover costs incurred on transportation to a hospital as per actuals, if services are availed from a network provider and up to Rs 5000 per hospitalization in a non-network provider.

Organ Donor Expenses

In case of organ transplants, we not only cover you, we also cover the medical expenses of the organ donor for harvesting the organ up to Sum Insured.

Reload of Sum Insured

In case the sum insured with cumulative bonus (if any) is insufficient as a result of previous claims in that policy year, then you get an added 100% of sum insured for your health needs resulting out of an illness unrelated to previous claims in that policy year. In case of an unfortunate hospitalisation due to an accident, reload of sum insured can be triggered in the 1st claim itself.

Cumulative Bonus

With our policy, you even get benefits if you do not claim. We increase the sum insured by 20% each year that you do not claim, maximum up to 100% (up to maximum of 50 Lacs). There is no claw back of this bonus even if you claim in subsequent years

Health Check up program

We provide a free health check-up for each adult once in a policy year customized to the life stage you are in.

Recovery Benefit

If you stay for 10 or more days in a hospital then we give you a lump sum amount of 1% of Sum Insured, max of INR 10,000 towards such expenses.

Benefit for Hospital Room Choice

We give you the flexibility on choosing the room category that you want at the start date of the Policy and you pay a premium for the hospital room that you choose. But what if you get treated in a lower room category than opted? We give you a pre-defined percentage of payable claims back in the form of HealthReturns™. HealthReturns™ will take care of all your health needs.

For Zone 1 cities

a) Single Private Room to Shared Room - 10%

b) Any room to Shared Room – 30%

c) Any room to Single Private Room – 20%

For Zone 2 and 3 cities

a) Single Private Room to Shared Room –5%

b) Any room to Shared Room – 25%

c) Any room to Single Private Room – 15%

Second E-Opinion on Critical Illness

We provide you with a second e-opinion through a consortium of well qualified specialists for 11 Critical Illnesses.

Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services

We travel on work or sometimes to get away from our busy lives and sometimes we may end up going to places that are remote. In such cases where an adequate medical facility is not available and you need medical help, we will help you reach such a medical facility and then take you back to your home.

Chronic Management Program

We know that you don’t choose the illnesses that you get; they can happen to just about anyone. Illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and asthma can be controlled if proper medication and control is followed. Our team of specialists and doctors have designed a special program to help you control these conditions to keep you healthy. This includes consultation with medical practitioners, diagnostics tests and pharmacy benefits.


Our policy rewards you for staying fit and healthy and these rewards are accumulated in the form of HealthReturns™. You can use these rewards for something as small as getting medicines for a fever or even for a surgery that is not covered due to a waiting period or excluded in the policy. Furthermore, you can use this for paying your premium from the 1st renewal of the policy.

Wellness Coach

We constantly keep reminders for our work and schedules, but what about our diet, fitness and nutrition. We give you a qualified wellness coach that will guide you through your wellness journey and give you pointers for being the healthiest version of yourself.

Click Here to read the policy wording.