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- content/bbp/repositories/723fb80a-2dde-42a3-9793-7ae1be57c87f?path=/Menu Icons/borrow.svgBORROW
- content/bbp/repositories/723fb80a-2dde-42a3-9793-7ae1be57c87f?path=/Menu Icons/popular_loans.svgYour Loans
- ThisPageDoesNotContainIconPersonal Loan
- ThisPageDoesNotContainIconTerms and Conditions
Personal Loan Terms and Conditions
1 I agree to abide by the Bank's Terms and Conditions and rules in force and the changes thereto in Terms and Conditions from time to time relating to my loan account as communicated and made available on the Bank's website.
2 I agree that any change in mailing address will be immediately informed to the Bank failing which I shall be responsible for any non-receipt of communication/deliverables or the same being delivered at my old address.
3 I agree that I shall not pay to the bank's representative/ staff any payment in cash/ bearer cheque or kind along with or in connection with this loan application from me/ us.
4 I agree that no discount or free gift or any other commitment whatsoever is given to me/ us by the Bank or any of its authorized representative(s) other than what is not documented in this application form the Terms and Conditions/ Agreement pursuant to the Loan
5 I agree that Loan processing and disbursement will take at least 7 working days post submission of all requisite documents and information as may be required by the Bank as per Bank's criteria.
6 I agree that submission of loan application to your bank does not imply automatic approval by the Bank and the Bank will decide the quantum of the loan at its sole and absolute discretion. The Bank in its sole and absolute discretion may either sanction or reject the application for granting the loan. In case of rejection, the Bank shall not be required to give any reason.
7 I agree that :
The loan proceeds shall not be utilised for construction of farm houses, or Carry on agricultural/plantation/real estate business; or Trade in transferable development rights; or Act as Nidhi or Chit fund company.
The loan proceeds cannot be used for any other activity where foreign investment is not allowed. This shall be applicable even if the loan is utilised in association with other person.
The loan amount shall not be remitted outside India or credited to NRE/FCNR(B)/NRNR account of the borrower.
The loan proceeds are not used for investment in capital market including margin trading and derivatives.
The repayment of loan should be either by inward remittance from outside India or by debit toNRE/NRO/FCNR(B)/NRNR/NRSR account of the borrower and/or out of sale proceeds realised through securities offered for the loans. Further, these loans can also be repaid by any relative (as defined under Companies Act) of the borrower in India through account to account transfer. The funds credited in Customer's account shall be used for the purpose for which loan has been applied and will not be used for (a) setting up of new units consuming/producing the Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS); or
(b) to units engaged in the manufacture of the aerosol units using chlorofluorocarbons (CFC); or
(c) for purchase of gold in any form including primary gold, gold bullion, gold jewellery, gold coins, units of Gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) and units of gold Mutual Funds; or
(d) for sepculative or anti-social purpose;
(e) for purchase of Land; or
(f) for investment in capital market or for purchase of shares; or
(g) for acquisition of/investing in Small Savings Instruments including Kisan Vikas Patras.
8 I hereby agree and declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I undertake to inform you of any changes therein, immediately. Incase any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held liable for it.
9 I hereby consent to receiving information from Central KYC Registry through SMS/Email on the above registered number / email address.
10 I seek from the Bank various financial assistance, other products and services for which I may be found eligible by the Bank from time to time, at any time in future, including after closure of any of my existing or future relationships, accounts, products, facilities, loans, services with or from the Bank from time to time, for which purpose I authorise the Bank to share any of my Information (as defined hereinafter) with any credit information companies and obtain various scores, reports and information for determining my credit worthiness from them, and accordingly to contact me or cross sell to me from time to time.
11 I hereby authorize and give consent to the Bank to disclose, without notice to me/ us, information furnished by me/ us in the application form(s)/ related documents executed/ to be executed in relation to the facilities to be availed by me/ us from the Bank, to the Bank's other branches/ subsidiaries/ affiliates/ Credit Bureaus/ Rating Agencies/ Service Providers, banks/ financial institutions, governmental/ regulatory authorities or third parties for information verification, credit risk analysis, or for other related purposes that the Bank may deem fit. I/ We waive the privilege of privacy and privity of contract
12 I hereby unconditionally, agree that these terms may be changed by the Bank at any time and I / We will be
bound by the amended terms and conditions.I hereby unconditionally, agree that these terms may be changed by the Bank at any time and I / We will be bound by the amended terms and conditions.
13 I agree that the Bank will send me communications/letters etc. through courier/messenger/mail or through any other mode at its discretion and the Bank shall not be liable for any delay arising there from.
14 I agree that the Bank may disclose, in strict confidence, to other institutions, such Personal Information as may be reasonably necessary for reasons inclusive of:
i. For participation in any telecommunication or electronic clearing network
ii. In compliance with a legal directive
iii. For credit rating by recognized credit rating agencies
iv. For fraud prevention purposes
v. To credit information bureaus.
15 Disclosure of Information to CIBIL:
I understand that as a pre-condition, relating to grant of the loans/ advances/ other fund-based and non-fund-based credit facilities to me, the Bank, requires my consent for the disclosure by the Bank of information and data relating to me, of the credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me, obligations assumed/ to be assumed, by me, in relation thereto and default, if any, committed by me, in discharge thereof. Accordingly, I, hereby agree and give consent for the disclosure by the Bank of all or any such,
i. information and data relating to me
ii. the information or data relating to any credit facility availed of/ to be availed, by me, and
iii. default, if any, committed by me in discharge of my such obligation, as the Bank may deem appropriate and necessary, to disclose and furnish to Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. and any other agency authorised in this behalf by RBI.I, declare that the information and data furnished by me to the Bank are true and correct.
I, undertake that:
i. The Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. and any other agency so authorised may use, process the said information and data disclosed by the Bank in the manner as deemed fit by them; and
ii. The Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. and any other agency so authorised may furnish for consideration, the processed information and data or products thereof prepared by them, to banks/ financial institutions and other credit grantors or registered users, as may be specified by the Reserve Bank in this behalf.
16 Force Majeure:
The Bank shall not be liable if any transaction does not fructify or may not be completed or for any failure on part of the Bank to perform any of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions or those applicable specifically to its services/facilities if performance is prevented, hindered or delayed by a Force Majeure event (defined below) and in such case its obligations shall be suspended for so long as the Force Majeure event continues.
"Force Majeure Event" means any event due to any cause beyond the reasonable control of the Bank, including without limitations, unavailability of any communication systems, breach, or virus in the processes or payment or delivery mechanism, sabotage, fire, flood, explosion, acts of god, civil commotion, strikes or industrial action of any kind, riots, insurrection, war, acts of government, computer hacking, unauthorised access to computer data and storage devices, computer crashes, malfunctioning in the computer terminal or the systems getting affected by any malicious, destructive or corrupting code or program, mechanical or technical errors/failures or power shut down, faults or failures in telecommunication etc.
17 Indemnity:
I agree that I shall indemnify and hold the Bank harmless against all actions, claims, demands, proceedings, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever which the Bank may at any time incur, sustain, suffer or be put to as a consequence of or by reason of or arising out of providing any of the services or due to any negligence/mistake/misconduct on my part or breach or non-compliance by me of any of the Terms and Conditions relating to any of the services or by reason of the Bank in good faith taking or refusing to take action on any instruction given by me.
18 Right of Lien/Set off:
I hereby grant and confirm the existence of the right of lien and set-off with the Bank, which the Bank may at any time without prejudice to any of its specific rights under any other agreements with me, at its sole discretion and without notice to me utilize to appropriate any moneys belonging to me and lying/deposited with the Bank or due by the Bank to me, towards any of the Bank’s dues and outstandings under or in respect of a loan facility, including any charges/fees/dues payable under these Terms and Conditions.
19 Miscellaneous:
Failure to enforce any rights conferred by these Terms and Conditions or any law shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any such rights or operate so as to the exercise or enforcement thereof at any subsequent time.
20 Should I have any complaint relating to the features of any of the products/services of the Bank that I hold/avail of, I am aware that I can approach the Grievance Redressal Cell within the Bank at for a resolution and if I do not get a satisfactory response within 30 days of lodging the complaint, then, under the Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006,I can approach the Ombudsman appointed by the Reserve Bank of India, in charge of the region where I hold my account, details of which are available at
21 Bank shall be entitled at its discretion to engage/avail of, at the risk and cost of the customer, services of any person/third party service provider/agent/agency, for anything required to be done for/in relation to/pursuant to any of the products/services offered, including collections, recovery of dues, enforcement of security, getting or verifying any information of the customer/assets, and any necessary or incidental lawful acts/deeds/matters and things connected thereto, as the Bank may deem fit.
22 The Bank shall have the right to not return the application, the photographs, information and documents submitted by the customer. The Bank shall, without notice to or without any consent of the customer, be absolutely entitled and have full right, power and authority to make disclosure of any information relating to customer including personal information, details in relation to documents, products/services offered, defaults, security, obligations of customer, to the Credit Information Bureau of India (CIBIL) and/or any other governmental/regulatory/statutory or private agency/entity, credit bureau, RBI, the Bank�s other branches/subsidiaries/affiliates/rating agencies, service providers, other banks/financial institutions, any third parties, any assignees/potential assignees of transferees, who may need the information and may process the information, publish in such manner and through such medium as may be deemed necessary by the publisher/Bank/RBI, including publishing the name as part of willful defaulter�s list from time to time, as also use for KYC information verification, credit risk analysis, or for other related purposes. In this connection, the customer waives the privilege of privacy and privacy of contract. The Bank shall have the right, without notice to or without any consent of the customer, to approach, make enquiries, obtain information, from any person including other banks/finance entities/credit bureaus, customer�s employer/family members, any other person related to the customer, to obtain any information for assessing track record, credit risk, or for establishing contact with the customer or for the purpose of recovery of dues from the customer.
23 In case any personal information or sensitive information is collected by the Bank, the same shall be dealt with in accordance with the privacy policy of the Bank which is available on the website of the Bank at
24 Bank reserves the right to record telephonic conversations with customers for quality control purposes.
25 Any loans/facilities, other banking products, may be made available through the internet banking platform or any similar platform of the Bank (platforms through which the customer/borrower can access/monitor the account by use of the customer/log-in id and password) and the Bank may use such platform for providing the customers/borrowers the facility to complete online application as well as enter into/make the loan documents online. Every usage and operation of the internet banking or any such other platform using such customer id and password, including in cases of online loan processes from time to time, should be deemed to be usage and operation personally by the customer/borrower himself and in physically and mentally stable state nothwithstanding any loss, theft, hacking etc. of the password; and that the Bank shall not be required to check the identity of the person operating the internet banking account at any point of time or his mental or physical stability.
26 By submitting aadhaar details for linkage to bank accounts,customer agrees to the following terms and conditions:-
I hereby submit my Aadhaar number ,as issued by Government of India ; to HDFC Bank and voluntarily give my consent to link it to all my accounts / relationships (existing and new) maintained with HDFC Bank in my individual capacity and / or as an authorized signatory. I authorise HDFC Bank to map my Aadhaar number at NPCI to enable me to receive Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) from Government of India in the specified Savings account. I understand that if more than one Benefit transfer is due to me, I will receive all Benefit Transfers in this account. I, holder of the stated Aadhaar number, hereby voluntarily give my consent to HDFC Bank to obtain and use my Aadhaar number, Name and Fingerprint/Iris and my Aadhaar details to authenticate me with UIDAI as per Aadhaar Act, 2016 and all other applicable laws. HDFC Bank has informed me that my Aadhaar details and identity information would only be used for demographic authentication, validation, e-KYC purpose, OTP authentication including; for availing banking services, operation of my accounts / relationships and for delivery of subsidies, benefits and services and / or any other facility relating to banking operations. HDFC Bank has informed that my biometrics will not be stored / shared and; will be submitted to Central Identities Data Repository (CIDR) only for the purpose of authentication. I have been given to understand that my information submitted to the bank herewith shall not be used for any purpose other than mentioned above. I also authorize HDFC Bank to link & authenticate my Aadhaar number to all my accounts / relationships with the Bank ,both existing and as may be opened in future. I will not hold HDFC Bank or any of its officials responsible in case of any incorrect information provided by me.
27 I agree that all instructions relating to my account will be issued to the Bank as per acceptable mode of communication to the Bank.
28 I agree and undertake to ensure that there would be sufficient funds/cleared balance/pre-arranged credit facilities in my account for effecting transactions. I agree that the Bank shall not be liable for any consequences arising out of non-compliance by the Bank of my instructions due to inadequacy of funds and the Bank can at its sole discretion decide to carry out the instructions not withstanding the inadequacy of funds without prior approval from or notice to me and I shall be liable to repay with interest the resulting advance, overdraft or credit thereby created and all related charges arising thereby at prime lending rate applicable from time to time. I agree that frequent dishonor of cheques or high value cheque returns due to insufficient funds may lead to discontinuation of cheque books / closure of bank account.
29 I agree that in the event of an account being overdrawn, the Bank reserves the right to set off this amount against any credit lying in any of my accounts.
30 I agree that the Bank shall not be liable for any damages, losses (direct or indirect) whatsoever, due to disruption or non availability of any of services/facilities due to technical fault/error or any failure in telecommunication network or any error in any software or hardware systems beyond the control of the Bank.