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Analyst Meet 2022

Analyst Meet 2022

Overview of the bank | Mr Sashi Jagdishan | Mr Kaizad Bharucha | Mr Srinivasan Vaidyanathan

Video  Presentation

Corporate Cluster | Mr Nirav Shah | Mr Jimmy Tata

Video  Presentation

Commercial & Rural Banking | Mr Rahul Shyam Shukla | Mr Jimmy Tata

Video  Presentation

Retail Assets | Mr Arvind Kapil | Mr Jimmy Tata

Video  Presentation

Payments Business | Mr Parag Rao

Video  Presentation

Digital & Technology | Mr Parag Rao | Mr Anjani Rathor | Mr Ramesh Lakshminarayanan

Video  Presentation

Customer Franchise & Lifecycle Management | Mr Arvind Vohra

Video  Presentation

Government & Institutional Business | Ms Smita Bhagat

Video  Presentation

Third Party Products & Virtual Channels | Mr S Sampath Kumar

Video  Presentation

Wealth | Mr Rakesh K Singh

Video  Presentation

Digital Marketing | Mr Ravi Santhanam

Video  Presentation