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Financial Information

The last twenty-seven years have been very fulfilling. We can of course wax eloquent about it in so many ways, but they say, figures don't lie, so we will let the figures do all the talking. They will give you a fair idea of how we have grown in the past few years.

Financial Results

Events & Presentations

RBI Order of Amalgamation - CBoP

Scheme of Amalgamation - CBoP (as approved by RBI)

Annual Reports

Extra Ordinary General Meetings

 • Notice of EGM January 2018

Postal Ballots

• Notice of Postal Ballot – January 2014

• Results of Postal Ballot – March 2014

• Notice of Postal Ballot – November 2014

• Results of Postal Ballot – December 2014

• Notice of Postal Ballot – October 2020

• Results of Postal Ballot – December 2020

Contact Point for shareholders:

HDFC Bank Ltd.
Legal & Secretarial Department,
2nd Floor, Zenith House,
Keshavrao Khadye Marg
Mahalaxmi, Mumbai 400034
Tel No: 022 3976 0000

For grievances other than Shareholder grievances, please send your communication to the following email addresses:

• Depository Services:

• Retail Banking / ATM/Debit Cards / Mutual Fund:

• Loans; Advances / Advance against shares:

• Credit Cards: