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Means of Communication

The quarterly and half-yearly unaudited / audited financial results of the bank are published in the newspapers, viz. the Business Standard in English and Mumbai Sakal / Navshakti in Marathi (regional language). The results are also displayed on the Banks web-site at

The shareholders can visit the Banks website for financial information, shareholding information, dividend policy, key shareholders' agreements, if any, Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Bank, etc. The website also gives a link to where the investors can view statutory filings of the Bank with the Securities and Exchange Commission, USA. 

The information relating to the Banks financial results and shareholding pattern are displayed on the websites of the Stock Exchanges on which the Banks shares are listed. 

Other information such as official news / press releases, stock exchange disclosures and presentations made to investors and analysts etc. are regularly displayed on the Banks website