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Fees and Charges

Fees and Charges

Click here to refer Fees & Charges on NRE & NRO Savings/Current Account

Click here to refer Fees & Charges on Foreign Currency Transactions


1. AMB/AQB charges will be applied in the current month based on the AMB/AQB maintained in the account in the previous month.

2. Service/Transaction charges based on non - maintenance of AMB/AQB (as specified above) do not apply to Imperia, Preferred, Classic Programs & Corporate Salary and Super Saver Accounts

3. The PhoneBanking charges will apply on transaction that are available on the IVR but are done through the PhoneBanking Executive

4. All fees and charges, mentioned in the FEES & CHARGES SCHEDULE will attract GST @18% effective 01 July 2017.

5. Above mentioned fees & charges are subject to change time to time. The bank reserves the right to make changes in the fees & services schedule.

6. Managed Programme Charges 

In case you hold Imperia Banking Relationship Click Here to know about fees and charges

In case you hold Preferred Banking Relationship Click Here to know about fees and charges.

In case you hold Classic Banking Relationship Click Here to know about fees and charges

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