Dun & Bradstreet
Dun & Bradstreet
The company caters to customer needs by verifying supplier and buyer credibility through business information reports and AI-driven platforms. With Data Blocks, expect reports that are logical, topic-based groupings from the Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud. It's a cutting-edge, best-in-class means of delivering data in a straightforward, consistent, and adaptable manner.
Services offered:
Company Entity Resolution: Provides a D-U-N-S Number to client data, comparing it to standardised information in the Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud.
Company Information: Access primary information about a firm, such as its size, region identification numbers, business activity type, address, and more.
Ownership Insights: Find data about businesses that own shares in a certain business entity or benefit from the operations of that business.
Payment Insights: Payment history and profile information of a company. It includes current and historical Dun & Bradstreet Paydex scores, industry norm data, and high credit amount information.
Third Party Risk Insights: Specifically for procurement and compliance professionals looking to employ analytically determined scores and ratings for their day-to-day cases that require the evaluation of other organisations.
Financial Strength Insights: For finance professionals seeking analytically produced scores and ratings for their day-to-day cases to evaluate other companies.
Company Financials: Information regarding the financial statements for both private and public companies.
Event Filings: Information on legal occurrences involving a company, such as local government registrations, suits, liens, etc., and including financial accounts, public notices, etc., for special events.
Full Family Tree: Identifies legal entities, other connection types, and franchises, along with joint and minority ownership, that are related to a certain corporation.
Diversity Insights (only for US companies): Indicators of the company's ownership structure, such as women, minorities, or other designations, as reported.
By using Data Cloud, you can
Power products
Get insights that boost revenue
Increase profits
Strengthen relationships
Comply with regulatory requirements.
Enable you to deliver
A complete report on buyers and sellers
Assists in risk management
Reveals opportunities to grow
Provide B2B statistics, analytics, and AI-powered platforms to help businesses thrive.