FAQ - Pension Payment and Jeevan Pramaan

FAQ - Pension Payment and Jeevan Pramaan

FAQs on Jeevan Pramaan

For the benefits of Pensioners, please find the frequently asked Questions (FAQs) on Jeevan Pramaan – "Aadhaar based Digital Life Certificate (DLC) for Pensioners"

What is Digital Jeevan Pramaan/ Life Certificate?
This is computer Generated electronic life certificate for pensioner. Jeevan Pramaan Certificate is produced for individual pensioner using his Biometric Credentials.

How is this different from traditional Jeevan Pramaan Certificate?
For this certificate individual pensioner has not to present himself/ herself in front of seniors Authorised Officers. This can be generated even from home. Only you need a internet connection and Biometric devices.

How can I create Jeevan Pramaan if I do not have internet?
Go to nearest Citizen Service Centre (CSC) or designated Offices / bank branches available on the website of Jeevan Pramaan.

What is the portal Address for Jeevan Pramaan?
Access Jeevan Pramaan web site by using Jeevanpramaan.gov.in

How can I find the CSCs / Designated Offices / bank branches?
Access Jeevan Pramaan web site by using Jeevanpramaan.gov.in in the browser and find the Centre using "Locate A Centre" option or alternately you can send SMS to 7738299899, the SMS body must start with keyword "JPL" and after space write you pin code e.g. SMS --- JPL 110003 to 7738299899
The Portal Reply message will have list all Centre's where you can visit for Jeevan Pramaan.

Who can visit to the CSCs?         
Yes, any Pensioner having pension account in any Bank can go to CSC for certificate.

What is required for registration on Jeevan Pramaan?
Pensioner needs to know his/her Aadhaar Number, PPO Number, Bank Account number and branch detail, Name, Address etc.  Also, pensioner need to get his / her Aadhaar number updated in his / her Bank Account and Bank Pension Database by giving the PPO Number and Bank Account Number before the registration.

How to register yourself for Jeevan Pramaan?
There are three ways to register –
(a) Go to nearest CSC (Citizen Service Centre) Centre and register online using CSC services and you may have to pay nominally for this
(b) Go to Designated Office and register yourself
(c) Download application of your android based smart phone / tablet or Window based Personal Computer / Laptop and register yourself (you need biometric device for this)

What are the biometric devices supported?
Mantra, Morpho, SecuGen finger print scanner and Iris scanner may be used. 

How registration processes work?
Pensioner’s information like Pension Aadhaar number, Pensioner Name, PPO Number, Bank Account detail, Address, Mobile number etc are fed into the system though web based / client interface and finally pensioners person information are authenticated using the Aadhaar number and pensioner has to put his finger on to the finger print scanneror eye on the Iris scanner. After successful authentication, transaction number is displayed on the screen and same has to be sent to Pensioner’s mobile as SMS from the portal.The portal generates Electronic Jeevan Pramaan for the successfully authenticated pensioner and it is stored in the central portal database.
Aadhaar number is mandatory and the same is required to be updated in the bank account and Pension Account by the pensioner, before the generation of Aadhaar Based Digital Life Certificate.
Pensioner has to inform to the Bank that his Jeevan Pramaan has been generated through online registration from Jeevan Pramaan portal. Bank validate the details updated in our bank records like Aadhaar Number of Pensioner, Bank A/c number, PPO number and Date of Birth and if the details matches with our bank records, the same is updated in the bank records.

Is it necessary that Pension need to be in India for JeevanPramaan?
No, Individual can use Android / Windows PC based applicationavailable at Jeevan Pramaan portal and may register from any location.

Is the downloading of application free?

How many times individual has to register in a year?
Individual has to register once and later he can generate JeevanPramaan using Biometric authentication.

Do pensioner has to pay for online registration?

Is Electronic Jeevan Pramaan is must for a pensioner?
No, this facility has been given to get hassle free Life Certificate. Theconventional life certificates also valid.

What is the procedure for getting Aadhaar Number?
Contact Aadhaar Enrolment Centre in your city for getting AadhaarNumber. You can find permanent Aadhaar Enrolment Centers from UIDAI Site

Is this certificate valid?
Digital Life Certificate which is electronic and recognized under the ITAct. The system frees the pensioner from having to go before thePension disbursing Authority to prove that he is alive.

FAQs on Payment of Pension to Government Pensioners (Civil & Defence)

Can the pensioner draw his / her pension through a bank branch?
Yes. Even the Government employees earlier drawing their pension from a treasury or from a post office have the option to draw their pension from the authorized bank's branches.

Who is the pension sanctioning authority?
The Ministry / Department / Office where the Government servant last served is the pension sanctioning authority. The pension fixation is made by such authority for the first time and thereafter the refixation of pay, if any, is done by the pension paying bank based on the instructions from the concerned Central Government authority.

Is it necessary for the pensioner to open a separate pension account for the purpose of crediting his / her pension in authorized bank?
The pensioner is not required to open a separate pension account. The pension can be credited to his / her existing savings / current account maintained with the branch selected by the pensioner.

Can a pensioner open a Joint Account with his / her spouse?
Yes. All pensioners of the Central Government Pensioners which have accepted such arrangement can open Joint Account with their spouses, where the first applicant always remain the Pensioner.

Whether Joint Account of the pensioner with spouse can be operated either by ''Former or Survivor" or "Either or Survivor".
The Joint Account of the pensioner with spouse can be operated either as ''Former or Survivor" or "Either or Survivor".

Whether a Joint Account can be continued for family pension after death of a pensioner?
Yes, the banks should not insist on opening of a new account in case of Central Government pensioner if the spouse in whose favour an authorization for family pension exists in the Pension Payment Order (PPO) is the survivor and the family pension should be credited to the existing account without opening a new account by the family pensioner for this purpose.

What is the minimum balance required to be maintained in the pension account maintained with the banks?
RBI has not stipulated any minimum balance to be maintained in pension accounts by the pensioners. Individual banks have framed their own rules in this regard. HDFC Bank offer a zero balance Pension account, however a pensioner can receive his pension in his / her existing saving bank account with the bank and he/she needs to maintain the minimum balance as required for the same.

Who sends the Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) to the authorized bank branch?
The concerned pension sanctioning authorities in the Ministries / Departments forward the PPOs to bank branches wherefrom the pensioner desires to draw his / her pension. However, on implementation of CPPCs, pension sanctioning authorities have gradually started sending PPOs to the CPPC of the bank instead of bank branch.

When is the pension credited to the pensioner's account by the paying branch?
The disbursement of pension by the paying branch is spread over the last four working days / last working day of the month depending on the convenience of the pension paying branch except for the month of March when the pension is credited on or after the first working day of April.

Can a pensioner transfer his / her pension account from one branch to another branch of the same bank or to the branch of another bank?
(a) Pensioner can transfer his / her pension account from one branch to another branch of the same bank within the same centre or at a different centre; (b) He / She can transfer his / her account from one authorized bank to another within the same centre (such transfers to be allowed only once in a year); (c) He / She can also transfer his / her account from one authorized bank to another authorized bank at a different centre.

What is the procedure for payment of pension in the case of the transfer of PPO to another branch or bank, as the case may be?
Pension will be paid for three months on the basis of the photocopy of the pensioner's PPO at the transferee (new) branch from the date of the last payment made at the transferor (old) branch. Both the branches (old and new) are required to ensure that all the required documents are received by the transferee branch within these three months.

Is it necessary for the pensioner to be present at the branch of the bank along with documents for the purpose of identification before commencement of pension?
Yes. Before the commencement of pension, a pensioner has to be present at the paying branch for the purpose of identification. The paying branch shall obtain the specimen signatures or the thumb / toe impression from the pensioner.

What is the procedure to be followed by the bank branch if the pensioner is handicapped / incapacitated and is not in a position to be present at the paying branch?
If the pensioner is physically handicapped / incapacitated and unable to be present at the branch, the requirement of personal appearance is waived. In such cases, the bank official visits the pensioner's residence / hospital for the purpose of identification and obtaining specimen signature or thumb / toe impression.

Has the pensioner got right to retain half portion of the PPO for record and to get it updated from paying branch whenever there is a change in the quantum of pension due to revision in basic pension, dearness relief, etc.?
Yes. The pensioner has right to retain half portion of the PPO for record and whenever there is a revision in the basic pension / Dearness Relief (DR), etc. the paying branch has to call for the pensioner's half of the PPO and record thereon the changes according to government orders / notifications and return the same to the pensioner.

Whether the paying branch has to maintain a detailed record of pension payments made by it in the prescribed form?
Yes. The pension paying branch is required to maintain a detailed record of pension payments made by it from time to time in the prescribed form duly authenticated by the authorized officer.

Can the pension paying bank recover the excess amount credited to the pensioner's account?
Yes. The paying branch before commencement of pension obtains an undertaking from the pensioner in the prescribed form for this purpose and, therefore, can recover the excess payment made to the pensioner's account due to delay in receipt of any material information or due to any bonafide error. The bank also has the right to recover the excess amount of pension credited to the deceased pensioner's account from his / her legal heirs / nominees.

Question: Is it compulsory for a pensioner to furnish a Life Certificate / Non-Employment Certificate or Employment Certificate to the bank in the month of November? If so, how can this requirement be complied with?
Yes. The pensioner is required to furnish a Life Certificate / Non - Employment Certificate or Employment Certificate to the bank in the prescribed format in the month of November every year to ensure continued receipt of pension without interruption. The pensioner can also present himself / herself at any branch of the pension paying bank for being identified for issue of life certificate. In case a pensioner is unable to obtain a Life Certificate on account of serious illness / incapacitation, bank official will visit his / her residence / hospital for the purpose of obtaining the life certificate.
A pensioner having Aadhar number can alternatively submit Jeevan Pramaan, a digital life certificate introduced by the Government of India. For obtaining this, he / she will have to enrol and biometrically authenticate himself / herself by downloading the application generating digital life certificate from the website Jeevanpramaan.gov.in or other means described on the website. Once digital life certificates in the form of Jeevan Pramaan are fully implemented, pension paying branches will be able to obtain information about the digital life certificate of their pensioner customers by logging on to the website of Jeevan Pramaan and searching for the certificate or by downloading through their Core Banking Systems. Pensioners will also be able to forward to their bank branches by email / sms the relative link to their digital life certificate.

Can a pensioner be allowed to operate his / her account by the holder of Power of Attorney?
The account is not allowed to be operated by a holder of Power of Attorney. However, the cheque book facility and acceptance of standing instructions for transfer of funds from the account is permissible.

Who is responsible for deduction of Income Tax at source from pension payment?
The pension paying bank is responsible for deduction of Income Tax from pension amount in accordance with the rates prescribed by the Income Tax authorities from time to time. While deducting such tax from the pension amount, the paying bank will also allow deductions on account of relief to the pensioner available under the Income Tax Act. The paying branch, each year, will also issue to the pensioner a certificate of tax deduction as per the prescribed form.

Can old, sick physically handicapped pensioner who is unable to sign, open pension account or withdraw his / her pension from the pension account?
A pensioner, who is old, sick or lost both his / her hands and, therefore, cannot sign, can put any mark or thumb / toe impression on the form for opening of pension account. While withdrawing the pension amount he / she can put thumb / toe impression on the cheque / withdrawal form and it should be identified by two independent witnesses known to the bank one of whom should be a bank official.

Can a pensioner withdraw pension from his / her account when he / she is not able to sign or put thumb / toe impression or unable to be present in the bank?
In such cases, a pensioner can put any mark or impression on the cheque / withdrawal form and may indicate to the bank as to who would withdraw pension amount from the bank on the basis of cheque / withdrawal form. Such a person should be identified by two independent witnesses. The person who is actually drawing the money from the bank should be asked to furnish his / her specimen signature to the bank.

When does the family pension commence?
The family pension commences after the death of the pensioner. The family pension is payable to the person indicated in the PPO on receipt of a death certificate and application from the nominee.

How the payment of Dearness Relief at revised rate is to be paid to the pensioners?
Whenever any additional relief on pension / family pension is sanctioned by the Government, the same is intimated to the agency banks for issuing suitable instructions to their pension paying branches for payment of relief at the revised rates to the pensioners without any delay.

Can pensioners get pension slips?
Yes. As decided by the Central Government (Civil and Defence), pension paying banks have been advised to issue pension slips to the pensioners in prescribed form when the pension is paid for the first time and thereafter whenever there is a change in quantum of pension due to revision in basic pension or revision in Dearness Relief.

Which authority the pensioner should approach for redressal of his / her grievances?
A Central Civil & Defence pensioner can initially approach the concerned Branch Manager and follow the below escalation matrix if the query remain unresolved.
Branch ? Customer Care ?Grievance Redressal?Principal Nodal Officer
They can also approach the Banking Ombudsman of the concerned State in terms of Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006 of the Reserve Bank of India (details available at the Bank's website https://www.rbi.org.in/) This is applicable only in respect of complaints relating to services rendered by banks and not resolved through the above escalation matrix. For other issues, the complainant will have to approach the respective pension sanctioning authority.

For any grievance please contact the below:

Email Id for Pension Related Queries -


Contact Details for Pension Related Queries -
Concerned Person - Ms. Geeta Singh / Shailesh Shah

0120 - 489 4259 / 0120 - 616 8259

Also, pensioner can escalate the query at our bank's Toll Free Number - 1800 419 0081

Nodal Officer

Deepak Parashar
(Sr. Vice President)
Tel. 0120 - 6168104​​​​​​​

Where can a pensioner get information about the changes in the pension / Dearness Relief or any pension related issue?
The pensioner can visit the Official Website of the concerned Government Department to get the information about pension related issues.

For more details, please refer RBI website

These FAQs are issued by HDFC Bank for information and general guidance purposes only. HDFC Bank will not be held responsible for actions taken and / or decisions made on the basis of the same. For clarifications or interpretations, if any, readers are requested to be guided by the relevant circulars and notifications issued from time to time by the Reserve Bank, Government, Pension Authorities or any other relevant agencies.