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Commodity Market Brokers

Structured finance and credit products for commodity brokers

Commodity Market Brokers




HDFC Bank is the leading clearing bank for,

Commodity Exchanges:

1. Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited (MCX)
2. National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX)
3. National Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited (NMCE)
4. Indian Commodity Exchange Limited (ICEX)

Power Exchanges:

1. Indian Energy Exchange Limited (IEX)
2. Power Exchange India Limited (PXIL)

We offer following products & services for the members of these exchanges.

1. Clearing Bank Services
2. Working Capital Facilities (as per banks policy) like bank guarantee favoring exchanges, overdraft facilities, letter of credit etc.
3. Cash Management Services for effective collection & disbursement of funds
4. Payment Gateways
5. Corporate Salary Accounts
6. Support in the evening for additional capital confirmation at KanjurMarg, Mumbai
7. Dedicated Relationship Managers to serve you.
8. Dedicated Operations Support at Dedicated Branch. 
9. Real time on-line access to accounts via E-net, a net-banking solution specially developed for Corporate Business segments.
10. Operation of the account on facsimile basis (with prior indemnity)

Payment Gateway


Payment gateway or interface as it is called, essentially is a platform wherein an individual logs on to internet, goes to a brokers Internet trading portal and transacts as desired. The underlying monetary consideration of the transaction would be routed through the designated bank accounts of the originator and beneficiary of the transactions.

There are two models of payment gateway that we offer to brokers of our segment. The products are designed keeping in view the needs and requirements of the segment. 

1.External Payment Interface (EPI)
2.E-Broking / Server to Server model

1. External Payment Interface:

EPI is a facility, which will provide the broker with the option of accepting online payments for online purchases made by his clients / customers who are HDFC Bank account holders having Net Banking passwords. 
2. E Broking model (Server to Server):

Ebroking model is provided to brokers who are interested in recovering only partial funds from the client for execution of trades. The model is also suitable for Non-resident client transactions. The E broking model is basically developed around the need to place funds on hold / block the funds & then release or / & transfer the same based on request. 
The interface protocol is based on the exchange of XML messages between the bank and the external entity. 



The bank offers automated banking solutions to stock/commodity brokers through its corporate net-banking software, ENet™. 

How ENet™ will be useful for stock/commodity brokers:

Fund transfers
Pay-in of funds & ABC confirmations: From your office, funds can be transferred from client A/c to settlement A/c instantly for meeting the exchange deadlines without sending any instruction/cheque to the bank. Similarly, for confirmation of additional capital to the exchange, funds can be transferred immediately to your Settlement A/c using ENet™, thereby completing the confirmation process in very little time and getting benefit of exposure.
Pay-out of funds & client payments
On receipt of pay-out from the exchange in your settlement A/c, ENet™ will allow you to transfer funds to your client A/c for making payments to your customers having account with any of the HDFC Bank branches on one-to-one basis or bulk-upload basis without issuing cheques.

Salary Upload

If your salary accounts are with HDFC Bank, then you can make salary payments to your employees merely by uploading a file through the CMS - disbursement module. There is no need for a letter and a floppy to be given to the branch, thus saving a lot of time at your end. 
You can now pay On-line Excise & Service Tax for all Commission rates. The payment process remains same, the only change is this facility is now available for all Commission rates as against the present selected ones.

Corporate Salary accounts


When you open a HDFC Bank Corporate Salary Account you give your employees more than just an account. They get a host of e-Age Banking facilities such as Free NetBanking, Phone Banking, MobileBanking, International Debit Card (valid in 140 countries) and Bill Pay. All that plus free Demand Drafts and preferential interest rates on Personal Loans.

All in all, you will be giving your employees an account that makes banking a pleasure for them. While you save time and money by directly crediting your employees' salary nation-wide at one go.

For more details, write in to us at

