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Bill Discounting

Quick access to funds with tailormade solutions

Bill Discounting

About Bill Discounting Services

Enjoy quick access to funds with our bill discounting service. Receive customised solutions that match your business needs with our bank’s dedicated trade finance set-up, and benefit from our nationwide network of branches and correspondent banks.

Additionally, enjoy competitive rates on bill discounting under local letters of credit to help meet your working capital requirements.

Benefits Of Bill Discounting

Get tailored bill discounting options to suit your requirement for short term finance, from the date of sale to the date of receipt of payment.

Save on interest rate costs and avoid the need to arrange for collateral on loans when you opt for bill discounting. Minimise delays on short term and working capital funding with our simplified processing, short turnaround times and single-window contact.

Get more information on bill discounting services at and information on bill discounting under local letters of credit at