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How do you turn your declining business journey?

Zohad Story by Mr. Najeed Dukroo

The Beginning  

 Started in 2013, formerly called Napar Pharma Camp, our business used to provide Pharma Chemical assistance to many merchants across the country. The Pharma Chemical industry is a tricky one to break into as we need to reach out to the right consumers to keep it going. The business was experiencing a gradual growth over five years, which pushed us to invest in land with some borrowed money. A single decision made it difficult for us to keep the business running.  


The Challenge  

 Having left the position, I had nothing to start again in 2019. With a CAN DO attitude & prior business experience, I knew that with persistence all can be right. The road to business success was a difficult one, but I knew with the right planning & financing we could be back on track in no time. The business was in need of funding to boost its sales at the time.  


The Partnership Of Success  
​​​​​​​Financial assistance from HDFC Bank MyBusiness solutions at the right time was a life-saving choice! An unsecured loan was great help to reach immediate business goals. Zohad International turned around in months & reached stability.  

Over time, with determination, and the right planning it all fit in, and now we're a stable Pharma Chemical business on the road to success.  

The bank’s dedicated service towards giving us funding benefits helped us reach our business goals & also helped build a safe network.  

"Now, with confidence I can say, HDFC Bank MyBusiness came to me at the right time to revive a declining business."   

 To avail HDFC Bank MyBusiness Financial Assistance contact our relationship manager now.   

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