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Is your company in need of a trusted game changer?

House of Diagnostics by Dr. Shubham Sogani

The Beginning 

I established House of Diagnostics Healthcare with the aim to deliver the best diagnostic service to people in Delhi NCR. So, when it came to choosing a bank, I obviously chose the one that delivers the best banking services. Thus, began my long and fruitful relationship with HDFC Bank. 

The Challenge 

When the senior management changed on both sides, there were some teething issues regarding adjustment and communication. This led to disagreements among both groups as the objectives did not align. It felt like our stint with our most trusted banking partners was about to end. 

The Partnership of Success 

But HDFC Bank did not give up on me or my business. They went the extra mile with weekly meetings, got more involved and brought a remarkable understanding of the healthcare sector to the table. They stepped up to show how much they valued us. After that, whenever it came to finances for equipment, HDFC Bank was the one I approached for credit. Even in times of credit crunch, they have come forward to give us enhancements. And despite getting better rates and terms from other banks, I have always chosen HDFC Bank because of their quick turnaround time, proactive interest in helping the business and priority service from their relationship managers. They have gone above and beyond to provide us with the best support and I truly appreciate that. 

“I can say that HDFC Bank has been a trusted banking partner and has had an important role to play in the success of House of Diagnostics.” 

To avail HDFC Bank's Healthcare Finance Services, talk to your Relationship Manager. 

To know more, click here.