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Fixed Deposits Rupee Accounts

Earn higher interest income on your Indian and foreign earnings with HDFC Bank’s wide range of rupee fixed deposits.

Earn higher interest income on your Indian and foreign earnings with HDFC Bank’s wide range of rupee fixed deposits. Choose from a wide range of deposits like NRE deposits, NRO deposits, NRO Tax saver deposits and Non withdrawable deposits.

NRE Fixed DepositNRE Fixed Deposit

  • Create a deposit in a freely convertible foreign currency with funds brought on your return
  • Earn interest at a higher rate
  • Get 100% tax exemption on interest earned on your account

NRO Tax Saver Fixed DepositNRO Tax Saver Fixed Deposit

  • Claim full tax exemption for investments up to Rs 1.5 lakhs in a financial year
  • Get interest credits every month or quarter
  • Nomination facility is available on the deposit

NRO Fixed DepositNRO Fixed Deposit

  • Create a deposit in a freely convertible foreign currency with funds brought on your return
  • Avail of facility to prematurely cancel deposit after 7 days
  • Partial withdrawal available and you can earn contracted interest rate on the entire balance

Non Withdrawable Deposits

  • No Premature or Partial withdrawal allowed
  • Get an overdraft to tide over cash flow issues with the first party OD against FD facility
  • Enjoy quarterly or monthly interest pay outs


  • Mitigate your forex risk by booking a forward cover in tenures from 1-5 years
  • Book cross-currency forward covers
  • Earn a higher yield than FCNR and NRE Fixed Deposits